Made By: SpEcTaCuLar Ra Description: Im back with my new track called Spectac Freeze. I kind of got sick of Foundry and decided to make my first Avalanche racetrack. So far this is the smoothest track i have ever made. This track is very smooth but also is very fast. This track is easy to drive but you have to make sure that you use the shield doors to your advantage to make some of the turns. If there are any mistakes that u see i will try to improve it. Enjoy. Pics: Overview Starting Gate(timed) Straightaway after start Long Bridge ramp Bank turn Mini barrier bridge Ramp hill and Destination Well That's It. Hope You Liked the Map!!!! Download map Halo 3 File Details Download Gametype Halo 3 File Details
wow this is so nice.. ima definently dl and in my opinion this is the best race map on avalanch i think... nice layout and is forged very well 5/5
not many people make racing maps on avalanche and if they do they often suck but this one is SPECTACULAR with great interlocking and above all the being floated; nice ramps; just nice everything; definite DL; definite 5/5
this track was great again spec. once again though there was that one little turn that needs fixed but other than that great job 4/5 ~lil kyle 15~
It is pretty good it looks really well forged but the one turn quite weird I would make it diagonal insted of like a zig zag becuase they don't work very well. Other than that good job 4/5
This map looks amazing! A bit short... but then it is a race map with a limited budget *looks up days until Mythic maps come out*. Anyway i'll download for sure. Keep up the great forging. Edit: Oh and I'll be back with come criticism and compliments after
hey thank you so much for making this,i love race tracks on avalanche,lol,but even though this one is kind of short,it is still great,
nice racing map. i dont really like racing maps. but this looks very well forged. i have never thought to do this before but next time im playing on a race track im going to go the other way and ram people. but anyways nice map.
it actually looks pretty decent. There is a couple spots i would fix, they seem.... un-smooth? yeh, thats a good way to put it. But i like the rolling hills you got =] I like the clean flow of the track, i really like it, so you got my DL 4.5/5
I like this racetrack, I'm making my next racetrack on avalanche too. You should check out my new map Critical Cruise I think you'll like it.
I am sorry, no advertising please. Great turns and amazing interlocking, I don't really like the open and then all of a sudden closed parts of it, other than that 5/5
The map looks clean, looks like it has same perfect interlocking, and looks bigger than I thought was possible. Well, done but next time try to be a bit more original. 8/10
looks pretty beastly broski, ill dl this for sure. i like your varying use of tight turns and long sloping curves, its very pleasing to the eye.
wow you really pulled it off very smooth perfect interlocking I love the turns very smooth i will D/L and I think this is a Bungie Favorite god-like racing map SPECTACULAR