The Diet Created by: JakeyFreeHa Gametypes Supported: High Carb CTF, King of the Hill, Oddball, Territories, and Slayer Description: I am always sick and tired of playing the same maps with the same old guns, so I put this map on a high Carb diet. This map contains the less popular weapons that seemingly never get used in matchmaking or any other map for that matter. Sentinel Beams, Firebomb nades, a Fuel Rod Cannon, a Plasma Turret and Beam Rifles. Unfortunately there is no way to start with Carbines so you get a few clips in your BR to start off. The recommended gametype for this map is “High Carb CTF” it has pretty much MLG setting except for movement speed. Any other gametype works well with general settings. All boxes are geo-merged into the ground so that there are no lost nades. There is a non CTF version for other game types… the fence window is taken out in the slayer version and new spawns have been added. Layout: There are 2 distinct bases, the Red Base is at a considerable disadvantage by the looks of it except they are giving easier access to the power weapons as well as the convenience of spawning on the 2nd-4th story of their base. The Blue Base has a much better cover system and they have the ability to score multiple times very quickly, by tossing the flag off the tower. Weapon List Carbines: 15 x (30 second respawn) Fuel Rod Guns: 1 x (2 minute respawn) Gravity Hammers: 1 x (no respawn) Beam Rifles: 2 x ( 2 minute respawn) Sentinel Beams: 3 x (2 minute respawn) Firebomb Grenades: 8 x (30 second respawn) Gravity Lift 1 x (3 minute respawn) Mongoose: 1 x (90 second respawn) Warthog: 1 x (120 second respawn) Layout Pics Red Team’s flag being stolen doofnut covering the balcony with the Beam A view from blue’s balcony Fuel Rod spawn and Red Flag Spawn Red Team Sniper Blue Base sniper Red Team Spawn Blue Base Spawn Sentinel Beam and Custom Power-Up Random Room: Gravity Hammer Spawn Gravity Lift Spawn: Deadly in the Blue Team’s hands Red player using the Foundry ledge to get to the defensive balcony The entrance to the Random Room Underneath the Coliseum: a good route for the red flag runner View of upper and lower mid balconies The back hallway is blocked off symmetrically Miscellaneous Action Pics DOWNLOAD CTF Version Download Slayer Version high Carb CTF Comments and suggestions are welcome!
nice map. i think there is to many power weapons but other than that its a good map. i like the bridges
great ibterlocking and idea. I love the flag in the middle with one long bridge to get to it. I like you tried to use different weapons but it kind of made the map a but less fun to play. 4.5/5 from me
wow this map is very great it looks cool and has some good bases. it looks really fun for capture the flag. And i like all the places you can go 4/5
This map looks very awesome and it looks like it took some time. The only thing that i want to point out is that all of the power weapons might bombard the map. But that is only my option. You also have some nice merging. So all in all a great map.
The diet made me gain a few... carbs that is... this map is full of excitement and anticipation.. It is really refreshing to see different weapons used, and if need be could easily be turned into a mlg map by conforming and adding just mlg weapons sets. The gravity hammer doesnt make this map a powerweapons map at all.. I have played it numerous times and neither does the fuel rod. All of them add to the dynamic of the map, There is much skill and teamwork needed to be good on the diet, making it one of my new faves...ctf is highly suggested... 4.9 out of 5.. ( nobody is perfect) love you jakey.. good stuf
i love the sentinel beam, allthough i haven't posted any maps yet (i will be soon) most of them feature at least one And yeah the map looks good, the random room is cool but don't you think people will send the boxes flying with the grav hammer so they can camp there?
wow i really like this post and first off i gotta say theres some really great forging, the multi leveled gameplay would be great for CTF. it would be nice to see a second version a little cleaned up and maybe with another path to get to red flag... keep the great maps coming 4/5
good map; itll be fun for ctf; nice fusing nad floating bases; i like the random room cause u can just know down the crates to not let people get the hammer(creative) 4/5
If you could direct your comments as to where exactly things could be cleaned up, that would be awesome as i would greatly appreciate it so that i can make this map the best it possibly can be made...
I love how close the flags are located. Yet red is up in the air. Endless fun baby, hope to see this on the MLG Circuit.
well, i gota say, i really like the origionality to this map. the cascading double boxes is real nice, and i dont think i would have though of that crates up to the hammer idea. pretty nice geomerging too. the only complaint i have is the name, i feel it really takes away from this map, and i dont see how it REALLY relates. i understand everything is revved up, but it still doesnt make good sense or a good map name in my opinion. but im gonna try and stray away from that and give it an honest review asap.
the map looks like a one flag wonder. definitely never going to be in the mlg circuit. but i dont think thats what you were even going for. i like the layout. a lot. i like how the attacking team has an obvious base away from the rest of the map. the weapons you chose were a little bit different. i would not have chosen all covenant power weapons. i can see you were trying to be innovative in your weapon usage. i like innovation, but this isnt the best way. HOWEVER, these weapons increase the "yay omg this is fun" factor, and decreases the "alright guys lets be f#%$ing tactial" factor. overall its a definte 4/5 or 80/100
thanx for the comments guys and yesphantasm i was going for a balance of tactical and fun. I named it the diet because i hate it when maps have name like "obituary" or "death McDeathy Death." Plus i wanted to make the map extra unique with the covenant power weapons. The fuel rod cannon may be a little missed placed for sure but i need to keep it on there for the sheer fact that it is NEVER used and because i am in love with it...
I didnt know you were an epic forger! You should head over to the groups forums and look at my new post. Anyway, back on topic. This map looks really nice. All the different levels add alot of depth to foundry. The idea of making a map based off unused weapons is petty sweet. Oh yeah, i can get oyu a carbine game. PM me on
The main things that i am considering for V2 are... 1. removing the fence wall on blue base 2. removing the walls around the red flag 3. adding a teleporter to the bottom mid balcony to top mid balcony (fuel rod spawn) anyway continue to let me know what you think and if you want to set up a custom PM me, ive got a few friends who are willing to do customs at anytime...
hey I downlaoded it. It seems like a very unique map. Also. While playing slayer, the boxes that lead up to the hammer where really annoying. In my opinion, this map is truly amazing, interlocking and everything. I'd say feature worthy. It also reminds me of collosus from Halo 2.
Pretty Funktastic map. Interlocking is great. The merged box in the hallway is legit. The bridges up top are pretty nice too. Only problem might be the warthog. Good Job thought 5/5
Very cool map it looks like u took a lot of time 2 make this... or not. LOL w/e the asthetic cover by walls was used A LOT and i gotta say nice job. It's merged well and looks stunning. Gmaeplay looks awesome as well as playabitlity to the map in general. and props for the nice merging in the back. Just gotta ask: make sure you made the sides proportial. wat i mean is dont give 1 side a pistol and the other 5 rocket launchers and a banshee. And make sure the interlocking is clean if you do make a V2. But very good map 9.5/10 (Try limiting some weapons cuz u have a lot)