This is a fully working cannon. It is very small but makes for hours of enjoyment. It took a while for the full working part to come alive but it's great. I will post pictures and steps below. Hope you like it. First you shoot the fusion coil. Then walk up the stairs... And watch the action! Heres how it works. This is a secret door walk through and see what happens To Download: Team Slayer Gametype works the best. Have Fun!!!! Special Thanks to Craigen (door suprise)
...first! but this map is just plain out horrible; it makes for no fun what so ever; the idea of making a canon is old but fun but this canon sucks; try making a bigger cannon on a bigger map and it might be better; also u didnt really do anything accept that so it looks like you added nothing; also this just shoots straight out, like 2 ft nd straight down; horrible 1/5; good luck making a btter map next time and i wasnt trying to be mean just have a btter idea or map next time
Guys shut up, stop spammming his map. Im sure he doesnt want to hear you arguing, and doesnt want all this negative stuff said, if your not even going to say what he could improve on. I agree the cannon idea is a bit weak, imean the idea isn't very difficult. Maybe make it a bit more complicated, like add a custom power up into a wall, where when you pick up the custom powerup, it drops the fusion coil, instead of shooting it, It would look a bit better too, because its too simple. Make more scenery, cause if it is not playable, and the idea is obvious, you should make it look attractive at least. Think of a switch kinda idea, that could end up with a cannon explosion.? Good luck, hopefully there will be a V2?
I don't know about a v2. I know this map wasn't good i just wanted to see what they would say so it doesn't matter.
So you made a map just so people would say it sucked? Anyway it looks like an okay idea (overused however) still if you made a map around it or at least made it look nice then I'd download. Better luck next time. Edit: Oh and I reviewed your post and WTF: "hours of fun"? Honestly did you think anyone would have hours of fun on this map?
Hey this is a good try on the cannon,but it needs to be on a bigger mao and have a much bigger explosion,this is alright but could be much better
i would say that this map is ok. the idea is kind of old and the forging isnt anything outstanding. im guessing that this was just for fun so im not going to seriously criticize
The only problem i have with this map is the lack of space you used with the space foundry provides. You should put on some twists to use up more space. But it is a very good idea 3/5 -Tyberious
I would give it about a 3/5 for one its not the neatest but its a good idea. and you should have called it "Fireworks"