Razor Bridge is a roughly symmetrical, team-based map, especially suited for Team Slayer, CTF, and Assault. The map consists of 2 bases at the corners of the large squarish area in Foundry (the built-in bases are blocked off) the top floors of which are connected directly to each other by Razor Bridges "TM" : ) (difficult, but possible to traverse without falling.) These bridges require precise jumps to cross, and have a sword suspended above them at the center. The flags and bomb points for each team are on the top floors of the bases. If a player falls from the Razor Bridges, s/he lands in The Pit, where 2 Dumpster Cannons fling Dumpsters at lethal velocities. If the player can get to one of the exit teleporters, s/he can escape to the "Turret Side'" of the map. Each base has 3 floors: an open "ground floor" underneath the flag spawn with a BR, a mostly levitating first floor, with some weapons, and the top floor that holds the flag/bomb, more weapons, and connects to the Razor Bridges. On one side of the Razor Bridges and The Pit, called the "Turret Side" there is a tower with, naturally, a machine gun turret and a mauler in the middle, a fuel rod gun at the top, and a regenerator at the bottom. The Turret Tower connects to both bases at the first floor level via bridges. There is also a Ghost at ground level whose domain is restricted to the "Turret Side" and under the bases. 2 SMGs sit next to The Pit. The other side, called the "Sniper Side" has a sniper tower in the corner with 3 levels. The sniper rifle is at the top, a mauler is in the middle, and a power drain is at the bottom. (Look around carefully from this tower for a really sweet sniper shot.) The "Sniper Side" also contains two bubble shields, an overshield, 2 plasma pistols, 2 plasma rifles, and a Brute shot. A teleporter connects the center of the "Turret Side" to the center of the "Sniper Side" across The Pit. In addition to the thrill of crossing the Razor Bridges while under fire, this map offers a lot of room for strategy, tactics, and weapon control. In CTF, try to control one side of the map, then coordinate a flag attack with teammates on the Razor Bridges. I worked very hard on this map, and fussed over every little detail, so if you are going to download the map, or you have, and like it, please comment in this thread and the Bungie.net one to keep it alive for others to find. Thanks, and enjoy! :squirrel_rocking: Map Title: Razor Bridge Live on the edge, or die in the pit! The Razor Bridges over The Pit. Download Map More screenshots: The Pit with Dumpster cannons The "Turret Side" with Ghost, "shoot through" tower and fuel rod gun. The "Sniper Side" with Sniper Tower and overshield. The top floor of Blue Base, looking toward the Razor Bridges (right) and "Sniper Side." (left) Red Base; mostly the top floor is visible, with a little of the first floor and Back Stairs. View from the Back Stairs of Blue Base. The Pit is on the left, the "Turret Side" is on the right. View from the back of Red Base, showing its 3 distinct floors. If you escape The Pit alive, it's going to be on your knees.
Change the size of the images to 640. Map looks good but i cant see it, and your gona get asked this 1000 times if u dont do it early. Looks good though im curious to how the mancannon thing works.
I, and certainly alot of other people will NOT want to click. I clicked on the first picture and decided not to view the rest simply because of this reason. Please make your images larger or not a lot of people will download.
There are 2 boxes under 'browse' on the homepage of www.imageshack.us. Tick both and change the setting on the bottom one to 640 x 640
Yeah, well, I didn't know about interlocking until just after I finished this map. I know the bases don't look pretty, but they function rather well. Next time around I will be better equiped, with interlocking and other tricks I've learned recently. But please don't dismiss this map just because of its looks. I almost certainly won't be redoing this exact map, so don't hold out for that. This map as it is provides a unique experience, and is a lot of fun.
it looks cluttered and i dont see specific reasons for places on this map. its just confusing for me. but thats based on the pics, so ill give it a try
Dude the description sounds so cool.. but then the pics look (dare I say) horrible. The map looks really sloppy. I would love it if you headed over to Forging 101 and checked many of the tricks of forging a beautiful map, then gave this one a revamp! Like I said.. concept sounds cool, but it needs one of those 'HGTV" Home Makeovers.. Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
Need he say more? -really wierd, sloppy wierd -Forging 101 will really give you good ideas and techniques to make your make a lot better my friend. =]
looks good for being your forth post and i don't know what all these people are complaining about these pictures not being large enough cmon i can see them perfectly even without my contacts like wow are you guys blind
This looks so sloppy on an unimaginable level but is such an interesting idea that its really good. Congrats for making it. Must have been hard.
Well, after taking a close look at the bases in this map, I have decided that I will attempt to use interlocking to adjust and smooth the floors. These adjustments are not really aimed at improving the looks of my bases, (though there will most likely be some improvement in that area) but at improving function--i.e. the need to jump over little steps, and things like that. So you should look for a Razor Bridge v1.1 to be posted on Forgehub soon. I hope you guys will download it and judge it based on actual play. Thanks for all your input, people of Forgehub.com. P.S: I am under no illusions that the adjustments I make will satisfy all the critics out there who say my bases are ugly based on the screen shots. Given the concept that the map is based around, the not-quite-square geometry of Foundry, and not knowing about interlocking when I started the map, it was impossible to make bases that were as beautiful as many of you would like.
Sorry, but way before interlocking was discovered we still had maps that looked a thousand times better than this. The bases look like you literally threw wall corners together and added shield doors. Very sloppy. Next time you make a map, slow down and don't rush yourself. If you have a good idea like this it isn't going anywhere, so just sit down and put together your map.
Excuse me, but have you looked at the map in person? Please, take a quick Forge flythrough, and look at the number of each item and compare them to the budget constraints. (And, yes--I used the infinite budget glitch. I mean the other budget constraints.) There is a reason for every object on this map. I did not just throw a bunch of wall corners together and call it a base! I understand that the aesthetics of the map don't appeal to you, and if you can't see past that, that's too bad. But everything has a function. And as I mentioned earlier, I am going to be smoothing out the floors using interlocking. So, to that extent, I am using the criticisms I have gotten constructively. I did not rush this map; quite the opposite. If you only knew how many hours I spent making this (I didn't really keep track, but well over 40 in total.) And I am willing to spend some more using interlocking (new to me) to make this map better. So, please, don't tell me not to rush--I never do.
The idea is great, but I think if you use the merge objects technique it would look a lot better. If you have a problem with getting things the right angle while floating them, just suspend the object how you want it then save the map and end the game. Start a new game (after saving) then your object will be permanently floating there. This technique takes a while, but produces amazing results if used correctly. Good luck with all your forging.
Yes, thank you but I already know these techniques. The "merge objects technique" is called interlocking. Please read the earlier posts before commenting.