Foundry Prisonation V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DarkIce Dragon, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. DarkIce Dragon

    DarkIce Dragon Ancient
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    Created by DarkIce Dragon

    Prison-break was never this hard!

    Base: Foundry


    • Juggernaut
    • King of the Hill
    • Oddball
    • VIP


    Crimes have been commited, people heve been robbed, humans have been murdered. This prison was once one of the best secured of the world. But gates opened mysteriously and now hell has broken lose. Escaping a prison has never been this hard.


    This map was planned to compete in the LMC#3, but never made it in there because the time was to little. That's why this map had absolutely No Interlocking, No Geo-merging and it's done without any Budget glitching. Because the map is really small it only supports gametypes as Slayer, KOTH, Juggernaut, Oddball and VIP. It also supports little weapon selection, because many weapons overpower this map. I'm working on a version 2 which should be able to play Asymmatrical Objectives as well. Because the map has almost only fence walls it's possible to shoot almost everywhere. Above, beneath or on the other side, you're never save. Because the size of the map I suggest you play with not more than 6 people. FFA Slayer is the favorite and the map is mostly tested on it's FFA capability. This is my first really finished Halo 3 map, hope you don't Judge me to hard, I'm still working on 2 other Lazy Mapmakers maps, and I hope to post my second map soon.

    Improvements on Version 2 are as requested, more Save Spots to recharge shields. There where made 5 of them, on the ground floor there are 3, 2 spots with Shield doors, and one Barrier. On the second floor there is an A-sign where you can hind behind. On the Top floor the Wirespool is replaces with 2 stairs to form a new platform, also the Rocket Launcher is removed. Deployeble covers where added as requested.

    To see back version one to compare: Prisonation V1


    [ YES ] __Floating Objects
    [ YES ] __Instant Respawn
    [ ___ ] __Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events
    [ ___ ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water
    [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch


    Assault Rifle 4X
    Battle Rifle 5X
    Shotgun 1X
    Sniper Rifle 1X
    SMG 2X
    Spiker 2X
    Needler 1X
    Brute Shot 1X
    Rocket Launcher 1X
    Frag Grenades 4X
    Plasma Grenades 4X
    Bubble Shield 1X
    Power Drain 1X
    Regenerator 1X
    Radar Jammer 1X
    Overshield 1X
    Deployable Cover 2X


    Oddball, good use of the new Safe Spot!

    KOTH, The New Top, No Wirespool with Rocket Launcher, but a extra platform!

    KOTH, One of the Hills on the 2nd level, Small Save Spot here to!

    Juggernaut, 2 people rushing their way to the top level!

    VIP, Nasty stick and also good use of the new Safe Spot!

    Slayer fight on the 2nd level!

    Good use of the new Deployable Cover!

    Back-smack from above, also seen in Youtube video!


    Special Thanks to:

    Killer IKS - For Testing and Further Support
    iGotzNoEyez K - Testing (also seen in Video)
    PinoyPH33R - Testing (also seen in Video)
    aDeAdHeRo875 - Testing (also seen in Video)
    xEvilSLUSHYx - Testing (also seen in Video)​
  2. JakeyFreeHa

    JakeyFreeHa Ancient
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    I like the layout alot but in your second picture i see a lot of holes where nades could slip out and it also doesn't look as aesthetically pleasing... I can't say anything about the bumpiness as i havent played it yet but ill try to get back to this post about it...
  3. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map. i like how it has different levels. definitely nice for 5v5. and oddball so you can chase them around the map. nice forging too.
  4. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    I like the subtittles in the thread,but the pictures could be better,you can't really tell much abou it because its just of a few people playing on the same part of the map,show pics of just the map and all around it.
  5. DarkIce Dragon

    DarkIce Dragon Ancient
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    I'm actually planning on Building a V3, this map is rather small, but a Version 3 with extra fields around it should do the trick i guess!
  6. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    there's a hell of a lot of places you can get out of the map with the radar jammer or deployable cover. otherwise quite good but it's hard to see what the layout is like in the pictures you gave.
  7. Pomegrenade

    Pomegrenade Ancient
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    cool map with lots of tunnels and ledges but for one thing wrong with it u said its good for slayer but this looks like itd be a cool maze or infection game especially for fat kid if u just edit it a little good map

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