I did read the whole post, just because you say its a distant cousin to Hobo heights doesn't mean they dont look alike. I would expect a better reply. Also i know i contributed but theres alot of offtopic in here.
I remember specifically asking to be in every picture. >=( I played this yesterday. It was fun, though being a termite was kinda dull. As a human, I felt fear. I was like "zomg when are they gun come through the flo-" and then I died. It reminded me very much of hobo heights. Overall, I think it was fun. The game type works well with the map. The map is perfectly interlocked and geo-merged. It has nice aesthetic touches. Great game, Bl00d.
I played this map yesterday and thought it was good. I only found one flaw. If the zombies stand on the geomerged bridges they can lunge and fly up to the humans. Also at one point all the pallets were gone. You should make the pallets RTM 2 or 3 so theres always like 2 or 3 pallets all the time. Like what TrueDark did in Hobo Heights.
Roof = epic win. I love the aesthetics in the map, everything looks so...even. However, the gameplay seems to get a bit boring. Not boring, more...excitement lacking. Try adding something else. Still, I love what you've made. Great job. 8/10.
Also, you might want to remove the interlocked bridges. Even though they look cool, the zombies can get up higher (and if they slice enough, they can get up on the pallets).