LINK The golf Club can be picked up by humans! If you look at the picture he has secondary colors and there is no blue grid so he is in no way on forge. I can see some fun game types out of this that or funny zombie game types lol
There NEEDS to be a Caddyshack gametype involving those golf clubs and a player which looks like a gopher!
Lol, I just thought of something awesome. If it is possible to hold the golf club while on a Mongoose, you could play Polo! Imagine trying to hit the golf ball while being driven around. It would be tons of fun!
I was thinking a serial killer game type where the zombie HAS to assassinate with the golf club and he is slightly invisable
I don't know what to say..... I feel maybe I should call Animal Security or Call the police for animal abuse.... But the ability to pick up and use the clubs seem fun.
Do you guys think we will be able to get to the "DOOM towers"? Or will there be a static barrier like Sandtrap. I kinda wanna get out there . . . It would make for some interesting mini-games . . .
I'm curious to see just how the spires work.. like what the rate of fire is and how quickly they travel. hopefully like Gauss Hog style. it would help a ton, and would save massive amounts of resources as it wouldn't be as imperative to block those parts off as much. hopefully they'll shed some light on them in this week's update (I think they have to since the cat's now out of the bag).
Infection game type, players spawn with plasmas and do no damage with the golf clubs near by. Zombie is brown and is resistance to all damage except assassination.
i doubt that the golf club will do damage. its scenery, not a weapon (despite being wield-able). Itll be much like the hammer acts when wielded from the passenger seat of the mongoose, only held down instead of up.
Well if the golf clubs do no damage as has been speculated, and if they can be set to a starting weapon, then every gametype where one team spawns with plasma pistols just got improved by golf glubs.
Knowing Bungie, you could assassinate a Spartan with a spoon if they gave it to you. I've always wished for that to be an option I could turn off. Allow Assassinations: Yes/No Would allow for many great ideas.
Where did they say it would be wieldable? Maybe it scores an instant kill if a golf ball hits a spartan in the back of the head? The golf club is probably just for machinima though. I'd rather they gave us a sand wedge instead of a 7 wood though...