Map Title: On your head Yes, thats the name of the map, and yes, it's totally random. Download Map Download Gametype Description: Hello Forgers! This is my second map I've made for FH, which I rushed to get out due to my first map being epic phail (although I still think it's a fun map, this one outshines it byfar). Well lets cut the chat. Although I do think this map will turn out better when Sandbox comes out, I couldn't wait to make it. I'll go into more detail about the flaws in a sec, but long story short, my budget glitched canvas got messed up... Now the stuff you really care about- PICTURES!!!! The small spawn area. Asplode the fusion coils (theres unlimeted grenades incase the barriers get stuck) and move on. Go through a small tunnel (you only spawn here in some gametypes) and go into the fight. Jump into your new "outpost" which will be your base for the rest of the game. Outpost weapons Outpost overview Defending sniper tower Defend your base with an immovable Wraith! Parking garage Defending side Throwing a deploy able cover could save your life.... Sometimes.... Not really. When you come outside your base, the Wraiths probably going to attack. Barriers won't do much, so theres 1-2 larger covers. From here you can pick off enemies. Map overview Close shave. Under heavy fire Now that we have that out of the way, I should probably explain the maps...... Problems. This map was originally intended to be VIP (you can still do VIP, but it's not that great) but it was going to be pretty extensive. So I knew I would need unlimited budget (I normally don't use it). So it was going pretty good till the budget hit zero. And I couldn't Forge anything except wall corners..... Basically, somewhere along the way it got messed up. I couldn't buy anything, and when I sold things I didn't get budget. So I ditched VIP and set it up for Territories, One Flag, and Infection (sorta). But One Flag is still problematic. If you must play One Flag, (which is fun I must admit) then PLEASE read this. First of all, have one teammate stay at the starting point. Then capture the flag and go here. You'll find it. Drop the flag down to them after moving the pallet. Then capture =) But if you want to avoid this, play territories or something. V2 Updates to come! Including- Fixed teleporter More game types Fixed One Flag VIP!!! And oh, so much more. Hopefully V3 will be on Sandbox =)
Hm. Well, it looks good, though, as always, when i see a wraith i get skeptical. I may try this out. 7/10.
The Wraith seemed like a good idea at the time..... But after a playthrough.... I'm probably going to update it with rockets and or a laser.
I really like the turret wraith. Ive used them in a few of my maps, but they never fit in very well. It looks like it plays into your map very nicely
really sloppily designed, looks fun and open, i seem to quite like it. I'll DL when i have some more time on my hands.
Yea,like these other guys said,this is a good map but would have a lot better gameplay without a wrath,but god map man