Im making a really detailed mlg/ffa map and i was going to put all the mlg/ffa weapons on it so if you could post a list thank you.Also can you use all the equipment on mlg/ffa?
1. Battle Rifles 2. BRs 3. More Battle Rifles 4. More BRs 5. Wait, that's all. They only use BRs. Those noobs... Follow those five simple steps and you will have an MLG game set up in no time! lol --dc
Sniper (must be human because if its a beam rifle then they will be like omgwtfbbq) And Gnades also, im pretty sure there only is cloak for the equipment.
I am pretty sure that there list is not exclusive to just Battle Rifles, I have seen Rockets, Maulers, Covenant Carbines, Snipers, and a lot of other stuff. My friend was an MLG player and he would help me tweak my maps for MLG gameplay, and he would say no duals and no equipment. So that would be my guess.
BR Carbine Rockets Sniper Mauler Plasma Pistol (I think, they may not use it any more) frags plasma grenades Custom Powerup
no equipment?!?! yet another reason why I don't like MLG to answer the question its BRs sniper(probably with limited ammo)(human) rockets(probably with limited ammo) I'm pretty sure its mauler over shotgun for some balance reason Carbines human / plasma nades mainly just no duals or Covenant custom power up because theres a glitch w/ the overshield But also you have to balance the weapons really really awesomely. You probably already knew this but just making sure just go with lots and lots of BRs and MLG noobs will be happy(lol)
No, add one more "lots" in there and you'll come close to the amount of BRs they want in a map. lolz. But seriously, they don't allow any equipment into their games? Sad... --dc
Here is the list cause i ply too much MLG FFA BR carbine mauler, plasma pistol, roket launcher, sniper* bubble sheild, power drain** plasmas frags camo *there can only be two of these"power weapons" on each map with one extra round for the mauler, roket launcher has no rounds, sniper has two rounds. **equipment is brely ever used, so if u do use equipment use only one and put it where both teams can get it.
So, I take it MLG stands for "Most Lame Gameplay?" Honestly, they sound like all those folks that always want to turn GL's and grenades off in every game they play..... How can you possibly call yourself "Major league" if you cannot even survive the game in it's basic incarnation?
lol, there's no need to bash them, it's just a different style of play. I'm not fond of it myself, but watching some of the plays these guys can make is simply amazing...
I though I saw somewhere, "No rocket Lawn Chairs" for MLG weapon sets .... or was that only in Halo 2?
Ah, the misconceptions. Basically, for the FFA maps, they use BR's, Carbines, and a Mauler. You have the same number of BR's and Carbines. There is one mauler 1 extra magazine. In team games, they use Active Camo, Custom Powerup (Duration = 3 Seconds, Damage Resistance = Invulnerable, Shield Multiplier = 3X Overshields, Shield Recharge Rate = 200%, Player Speed = Unchanged) BR's, Carbines, Sniper, Rockets (1 spare magazines), Mauler (1 spare magazine) and Plasma Pistol (treated as a power weapon). All as of MLG's version 4. Make sure that everybody has an equal run to the power weapons and power ups. Make sure that everybody has an equal run to the mauler and power ups (if used). I'm not 100% sure on the FFA rules because MLG doesn't have an official map/game type out yet. I'll let you know if it's different. Also, stop your bashing of MLG, or at least say bad things about others too. Just because you don't like their style of play doesn't make them "sad" or "lame." You don't call those who play swords, rockets, hammer, random, maulers, shotguns, spikers, snipers, needlers, plasma pistols, plasma rifles, or any other single weapon game "sad" or "lame." They could use only the BR. There is nothing wrong with them wanting to play the way they do. There is no "right" way to play Halo. That's why Bungie gives us all these options, so we can do what we want in the game.
A-freakin-men MLG rules are fun and a welcome break from other gametypes. Removing the strategy required to use equipment only heightens the strategy required to play without them. Funny how the complaints pile on once a couple show up.
I wasn't calling them "sad" I was only saying that I was sad, like this---> :-( No bubble-shield/shotty combo pwnage makes me sad because I can't charge into a crowd, throw down a bubble shield, then wreak havoc on their faces. Its even better if you launch the Bubble Shield AT THEM, creating a sort of torture chamber from which there is no escape! Unsuspecting enemies may think that a teammate threw it down for themMua ha ha! But I agree with you; they should be able to tweak the game however they want. If "Spades 'n Nades" was an official MLG game variant, so be it. I was just trying to lighten up the mood because I know how seriously people take MLG stuff. Men Lacking Grapefruits. Lolololz. ... I kid! I kid! ;-) --dc
-> Battle Rifle -> Convenant Carbine -> Sniper Rifle -> Rocket Launcher -> Mauler -> Custom Powerup's -> Frag/Plasma Grenades I think MLG people are gay, they thin they are better than the rest, playing with their weird bumper jumping.. really i had a conversation with a MLG gamer and he really though he was above the 'normal' gamers 0_o mehh
xX Bad Baron Xx Hey, now. Leave the Bumper Jumper alone. It is a cool control scheme and in no way influences a person's sexuality. I am a completely heterosexual Bumper Jumper and have seen my K/D Ratio increase since I began using it.
Many of you are confusing MLG gaming with the pre-pubescent immature moronic posers who think picking up a battle rifle means they are hardcore.
That's gay if they dont use the shotgun and instead replace it the most hated weapons in Halo 3, the mauler. If that's true then that sucks. I'm not bagging MLG, I'm just questioning some of their desicions with the weapons/equipment they leave out. This should be their list BR (Everywhere) Carbine (Everywhere) Sniper Sword (Long or No respawn) Shotgun (shoot the mauler into the sun) Rockets (Low ammo/Long Respawn) Plasma Nade Frage Nade Bubble Sheild (its a strategic peice of equipment) AR Plasma Pistol Camo Oversheild, but I do think its neat that they've made their alternate for it with the Custom Powerup And maaaybe the Needler Oh, I don't loath the mauler. I'll use it but I'd I'd give it up (along with all other duel weildables) if it meant the shotgun could stay. Good Shotgun placement is one of the other main things that can make or break a map.
Wow, didn't think this topic would pop back up after so long. NO EQUIPMENT in mlg map/gametypes. Period. --dc