ok first before you read any farther go back and read the guidelines for how to post because this is not we take posting seriously and noone really looks at maps that they haven't seen pics for
There is NO NEED to repeat what I've already said. Seriously, only one post and you don't even bother to read it?
There is absolutely no reason to post things like this. New posters should just read the stickies / the link that was said by sage. All you are doing is A. ruining your own reputation, B. Making the origional poster feel like not posting anymore (it is encouraged to post), and C. making yourself look "FAIL". So please, next time, think before you post
ok guys, this was my first map post. I'm sorry that I didn't post It right or what ever. If any Intelligent person Knows how to properly post PLEASE TELL ME my GT is D33P WINT3R
Squid already tried to show you but perhaps his link wasn't so noticable. Please go [size=10pt]HERE to see guidelines to posting a thread. Everything U need 2 know is there. ^^ click this =] *thumbs up!** Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!