I'm always on 9 or 10. Also im always no-scopin and out-BRin. I dont understand how having a 3-5 makes a "steady BR"...
I have played on many settings...3,2,1,5,10,7 3 is the best overall IMO. 1 or 2 is good for S.W.A.T. 7 is good, but hard to get used to, and hard to Br people from afar. I play on 3(Default) currently.
I play on 4. It's a step up from 3, which allows me to react quicker. I've also been playing on it for so long that my BR is almost perfectly steady (indeed, I can't 4-shot because I really can't find the spot to aim fast enough). I also use bumper jumper, because I like being able to jump, turn, and shoot at the same time. Makes sniping WAY easier, and you can hit shots you never would have before. Also, I keep vibration on. I play like Neighbor does, meaning I am sneaky enough to escape from someone close-ranged, and continue holding the sniper (I'm a very good sniper, and my clan has started to respect that, lol). Being sneaky means I have to react quick, and if I don't notice someone shooting me right away, then I am pretty much left with no options of escape. I like being able to put up insanely low amounts of deaths while still slaying with a sniper (or long range BRing).
I keep it on 10. I still manage to get 30% (ish) headshots compared to kills on Team snipers, but even with the 10 sensitivity I have white powder around the rim of my control stick where i have rubbed the plastic off from turning fast. Guess I need a new controller and to test out this "Bumper Jumper" control scheme. If it helps me stop swinging too early for my melee kills I will be happy. Also if it helps the argument for "lower look sensitivity settings" I barely ever get those impressive "across the map" no scopes my teammates talk about.
Lol. I will have to try that. If I don't like it, it was all just fun anyway, and if it sticks, im sure it will benefit my gameplay. I use 5 now, so I am experienced with moving on up. ...like The Jeffersons. Just cause its a theme song don't make it not true.
I use 10 it is good because i'm used to sensitive things works great for swat turn around and automatic kill!
ive played and gotten used to each sensitivity, but i find that sensitivity 8 combined with the boxer control scheme works the best. heres why: sensitivity 8: it allows you to use drag accross snipes without spinning around 3 times. you can turn around fast enough to catch people off guard, but its not as crazy as 10 or 9. boxer you can be a ninja and pull off jump-melee combos you can still throw accurate grenades by using the throw-flick strategy it incorperates enough aspects from default that its easy to switch to its pimptastic for swords
I use 1 and I still think it's too twitchy. But when I'm getting pumped in the back it does take forever to turn around. I hate every sensitivity, one is just the least bad imo.
I use 1. Super 1337 BR skills ftw. Yeah somewhere I read if you use low look sensitivity you'll get better accuracy so I started using a low sensitivity. Now, I have good accuracy ;D
EDIT: Wrong forum <.< Was supposed to be for the "Things that annoy you in Halo 3 matchmaking". I play on 5, usually. I set it lower when I'm sniping. But I don't snipe often.