I honestly think this racetrack is almost as good as Quasar, there has been a huge improvement since Twisted Motion! The geo-merged part is not only extremely hard to get, but also perfectly smooth! I love the big "water spiral" at the begginning it's very well forged, overall I think this map deserves a 5/5! Great job kona! BTW check out my thread on Flipside, I don't know if you've seen the map already but its pretty good its in race maps somewhere, thanks!
Hey man I love the map. The whole thing is smooth and the banks are at the perfect angles. I think this should get featured. This is definetly competing with quasar I like it yours better though. Definit 5/5 for me I love it. The geomerging part is amazing too =)
This is definanty a high ranking race track on my list, it's near the top, to be honest. You ran the track as close to vertical as mongooses can go, it's really fun defing gravity like that. In the 9th picture, the merged turn, i think you may be able to cut the track and skip the last turn, or get out then grab another mongoose, and correct me if i'm wrong. And if your planning another version, I would suggest not making the track so circular, it gets boring going in circles over and over again. Regardless, extremely unique track, great wallrides, hope i see more of you here!
Nice Job Great Job! All geomerging and interlocking is flawless. Makes for a great race. Smooth track. Love the underpass and geomerging. -keep forging, xpwn3r kidx
Great job Kona. I am glad you listened to me on a few parts. You really did a good job on this track. I only forged a few pieces on this track. Kona did everyting. I like the track a lot. It is certainly your best. The only thing you forgot to do is put the mongooses on instant respawn. That is easy enough to fix for anyone who DL's the map though. Very clean and fun. I still have not tried it in a big party yet, but the test I did the other day seemed nice. I would like to see what you come up with next.
Well, Dream I started my new map today I should be done with it at end of next week. O-yea thanks for helping me on Critical cruise I'm trying to get critical cruise featured.
wow, that is a pretty impressive racetrack, i tip my hat to you, especially on the geomerged box part, i cant imagine how hard that was
Ya i just played this yesterday with someoneinhat and a whole bunch of other people. It is really fun and smooth. Relly good map 5/5
Thanks, My new map I'm working on has an amazing bridge starting too it. If any one has any idea they would like to share for a racetrack please tell me.
the interlocking is flawless, and as states in another post that MUST have been a pain in the ass to geomerge those boxes. will D/L and play with friends. 6/5 (this is NOT spam)
I envy your Forging talents! I would be extremely surprised if this wasn't featured! Perhaps even the best Racetrack of the Year so far! Qu'd, 5/5, more if it was possible!
Kona, this is incredible, keep up the good work. However, the mod has told me I must critique when I post, so while its perfect and I wouldn't change it, I will tell you to block the inside of the first big turn so its not so easy to fall out.
I would have to agree with AI but I don't really like bordering so I really don't. But for racetracks for halotracks I would say make another version for tournaments becuase this is a really great track!