As for killballs deleting objects, TECHNICALLY they don't, but once inside a killball you can't get to the object, so its de facto deleted. The object's still there, and you could, say, use a grenade or something to blow it out of the killball. But if its a weapon, its unusable.
OMG, i cant wait for Sandbox, is it released with Halo Wars, i hope it is, because thats out this month, happy forging!
Or you could just move the kill ball. The kill ball wasn't originally made to kill, but to designate bases better than powerups.
@The Spartan III Your idea is simply amazing. I would love to help, or even just test, your brilliant idea of a map. I have a similar idea to your's. Create a pyramid with puzzles, traps, and whatnot, but on the bottom floor you must enter the Crypt while fighting away 'mummies', who are there to protect a very special treasure. I will come up with a way for the 'humans' (keep in mind this probably won't be infection) to retrieve said treasure, and return it to an excavation site outside of the pyramid. My mind is tingling all over, I think the appropriate term as mentioned before is Forgegasm.
That map sounds awesome, please tell me if you ever make it, in fact im goign to start to think up mao ideas of my own
i think that i might make a group when sandbox comes out to create this pyramid map we're talking about. it could have several different gametypes: infection(mummies) CTF(treasure hunters) Team Slayer the team slayer would be like 2 groups of grave robbers fighting eachother. it could also be ctf with 3 teams. 2 teams of 4 grave robbers each, and 1 team of 8 mummies to protect the "treasure".
Sounds great. I recently had my Xbox taken away, but hopefully I have it back before the Mythic map pack is released. Gives me plenty of planning time though!
I'd love to play this map, it sounds quite amazing, and although my forging skills aren't good currently, i'd be willing to help in any way i could.
Damn, I could have sworn thats what i read on the ign interview. I must have mixed it up with something else. Thanks!
Did anyone notice that in the Weekly Update, Bungie basically said that there are some more surprises in Sandbox? I don't see how it could get any better lol
Yeah I've been wondering that as well. They've only got one update before the release of foundry elsewhere (well there is an update right on the launch), so they'll have to spill something soon. Hopefully the pallet will just get even better.
Yeah, there may be new objects that they haven't revealed yet. But I kinda hope they don't spill all of the beans before Sandbox releases. I want to be somewhat surprised.
Sorry if there already posted but I just found these at bungie and this adds on to the excitement and creativity. At first I wasn't really bothered with it and my opinion will be based when I try it out. But from the look of the recent screenshots I'm very eager. From the pictures, my map Ideas are very open. The main maps I expect in seeng will be Doom/ Quake maps. On to the pictures. I've heard words of grifball maps, Well i guess they beat you to the punch.
I hope they release most of it, and let us think thats all of it. That way I get to feel like I know all of it, then I get suprised by something cool when it comes out. Two for two
I'm pretty sure that list they gave us was everything object wise. I really don't know what other surprises they could reveal at this point, besides going into greater detail about achievements.