Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    OMFG I rofl'd.

    What do you guys think keeps you in the map? Mines like on Sandtrap or Invisible wall, or...?
  2. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Has anyone ever realized that the crypt is not located directly below the surface? They said in the post:
    and look at the top part here, it seams to be a long tunnel:
  3. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    It looks about 200 feet from the top of the tunnel to the bottom of the Crypt.
    Spartans are what, 10 ft. tall? You could stack 20 of them from the top to the bottom.
    Don't get too excited.
  4. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    I thought the books said seven feet tall.
  5. sSalvation

    sSalvation Ancient
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    You are right, the books did say spartans are Seven feet tall and weigh 1,000 pounds with their armor on.
  6. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    So were making a Spartan ladder to get out of the Crypt?

    This sounds like a bad idea...
  7. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    (above) Off Topic

    Has it been stated if there is a death barrier going into the crypt?

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    it hasnt been stated, and i would assume not, because of the long hole, the fact that they plugged it with a block in one pic, and had a kill ball in the hole in another pic. no need for a kill ball if theres a death barrier
  9. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I've got a couple more questions about the killballs:

    - With the conventional death barriers on other maps, objects are unstantly deleted if placed inside a killball. Is this the same cae with the killball? Could you use it to delete objects placed on the map, by hovering the ball around the map?

    - Can you make them a timed-map event? (i.e. can you make them not spawn at the start?)
  10. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    -Falling off of a map is a different thing than a kill barrier. Players and objects can fall through a kill barrier and still exist, but there is a point far below that simply deletes things, so no I doubt that kill balls will delete objects. And by still exist I mean the game still renders them. You're dead, sure, but your body is still there, and your body falls to the same point that an object falls before it is simply deleted. For example on Guardian, if you jump off the map with the oddball, you die at one point, and then your body and the oddball are deleted at a lower point.

    Only kind of related, but this is the same reason that I think you won't be able to drop objects from the sky bubble to middle sandbox, because then if you tossed an oddball flag or bomb over the edge, and objects are able to fall all the way to the floor, you'd have to wait the full duration of the reset time before you could play again.

    -I can't imagine a reason that Bungie would take the option to not spawn at start away from the kill ball, but then again I can't imagine why they did it to teleporters either. So to answer your question, I don't really know.
    #2950 Ladnil, Feb 16, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2009
  11. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    It also does not look to be a big opening either. Probably just enough for a spartan/elite/monitor to fit through.

    And the top of the hole on the main floor might be tapered so that the pedestal looking block fits in perfectly.
  12. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    that makes sense.have a pyramid that you fall through to get to the crypt. HOLY ****!!! I just came up with an awesome idea! ok, now tell me what you think of this:

    an infection map with a sphinx and a pyramid(or just 1, either way), and you have to enter them. once you enter, you fight through tons of winding, confusing passages that all somehow interconnect in certain places. after descending a while, you come upon a tomb. in this tomb there is a hole, with some overturned objects to make it look like it was hidden until someone moved them to get in. you then have 2 choices. you can stay in this last room and make a stand, using the guns available to you, or you can descend into the crypt. if you make a stand, there would be several movable objects you could use to block off parts of hallways. after a while, the crypt seals itself, and you have to use a switch to open it. the zombies then begin to spawn inside the crypt, like mummies would. they now have an advantage over the humans, until the humans begin retreating again. they have another 2 options: retreat back through another maze in the crypt to a final, open room with clear lines of fire, or attempt to make a stand in some ruins by the entrance to said maze. this would encourage "honor sacrifices", or giving up your life to save your friends.
    so let's say there are 8 humans left. 1 or 2 would stay in the ruins to fend off zombies so the others can make it to the final room. if they still survive, then the ruin guards can retreat back with thier comrades to the final room. in this room, there are many weapons, and a secret compartment. the secret compartment would be opened by a long, complex switch, that took more than 3 minutes to complete. the switch would probably drop a fusion coil that broke a grav lift to spawn another one that just lightly makes a domino effect, which then continues until the compartment registers some item inside it, and opens the door. through this door, the humans can escape to the top of the would shoot them up all the way to another room, all the way at the top of the pyramid, using man cannons.they now have more weapons, and have nowhere left to go. the only thing they can do now is wait. however, the secret compartment switch would activate another switch, opening a door that leads from the top of the pyramid down through a corridoor, leading them back through the pyramid. but there's a trade-off. it also seals all exits out of the pyramid. they must now either split up and establish camps in different rooms to prevent swarming, or stay together, and use combined fire to drive off the mummy hordes.

    so, what do you guys think of that? pretty cool, huh? and the mummies would be like tan or something
  13. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    A KillBall will never have the power to delete objects. You can save-quit objects inside the death bearrier on maps, this is how people break out of them.

    Placing objects inside the KillBall is a different question though, that I don't know. I highly doubt, however, that when forging a KillBall will delete objects that are place within its grasp.

    I'm sure, as with most objects (the exception being weapon holders and tele's), that you can change it's spawn settings.
  14. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    yes, just like my map, greatly original, it'll feel just like a bungie map!
    People will be making that map which has the two spaceships a lot!
    I think they should have a more creative approach to things!
  15. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    If you could pull that off as well as you make it sound I will bow to your mad forging skills, I have a feeling that your idea will take a hell of a lot of time, but if you can pull it off, props to you.
  16. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    It certainly sounds like a neat idea. Why not have the sphinx connect with the pyramid? You coule enter through the mouth of the sphinx and decend into the depths of the pyramid. Keep in mind the amount of resources you have. I doubt you could make a large pyramid with a maze and have a maze in the crypt. So, I think you'll have to take your pick. Maybe a small maze in the pyramid and then they fall into the crypt.

    I would do away with as many switches as possible. Simple is best and I'd stick with that. Just place a few pallets over the hole and you should be good. Good luck pulling it off!
  17. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    It certainly hope it doesn't. We are talking about Forge, and Bungie when it comes to forging maps has yet to prove us anything decent.
    Hence, default Foundry.
  18. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Oh GOD, I loved Sandbox!!!!!!!!!


    Now we could have an Ascension remake, and finally a GOOD Beaver Creek remake on the crypt.

    I know that the maps that will come out on forgehub will be just great.
  19. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    Welcome to the last 296 pages of discussion.

    Another idea: Anybody remember Furious D 18's 'Attention Deficit'? The 3 levels of Sandbox would be perfect for a remake of it.
  20. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    well, i think that simply entering a pyramid would be better. and i think i only said like 2 switches or something like that. anyway, i would be happy to get some help with this. but i think that with the amount of resources we have now, i might pull this off by myself. just might be time ocnsuming ;P
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