Foundry ForgeForts

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Planet9, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. Planet9

    Planet9 Ancient
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    ForgeForts (a horrible name, I know) attempts to recreate a big team battle experience on Foundry. ForgeForts is modeled after Avalanche, to a degree. There is a medium sized area for vehicular combat, with a brute shot, spartan laser, and shot gun to fight over. The area with the brute shot consists of 3 small corridors with open tops for grenades to be thrown in to stop campers. However, the ends have shield doors on them so it is actually possible to camp.

    The shotgun is located in a small open single crate in between the brute shot and spartan laser areas. The spartan laser is near a few crates you can jump on top of that have two spikers, an active camo, and a plasma turret. Later in the game, a chopper will spawn next to the spartan laser.

    Each base has a turret over top the entry way, a door and an open single crate for cover. On the door cover is a sniper rifle. Also inside the bases are teleporters that lead to the small corridor behind the base. Inside this corridor is an overshields.

    ForgeForts is currently compatible with all non free for all gametypes. For free for all game types, the starting spawn will put you right next to enemies (which I realize I need to fix.)

    ForgeForts has frag grenades and plasma grenades. (Thanks to that guide for grenade placement.) It also includes (for symmetrical gametypes) a gauss warthog, a ghost, and 2 mongeese.







    Edit: I added a download link so my thread wouldn't be deleted, by thanks for all the comments and criticisms! I'm working on a better version now.
    #1 Planet9, Feb 16, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2009
  2. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Wow. This map is really blank. I don't mean to be mean because my goal is to provide constructive criticism but this map is really empty. Looks like you put down 2-3 boxes, a few vehicles, and some weapons. It really needs some more cover. You should experiment around with structures and layout variety. Also, check out the Forging 101 section on this site for some tips and tricks that will make you an excellent forger in no time. Techniques like interlocking and geo-merging will add much variety and creativity to your maps. I like your ideas but they aren't well executed. That could definitely change if you just played around in forge a little bit and got to know all the possibilities of this incredible map editor. Keep up the forging and you'll become a great in no time.
  3. Vinyl Hippo

    Vinyl Hippo Ancient
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    First off I'd like to welcome you to Forge Hub. The map looks very open with very little cover but I might suggest making the chopper spawn at start and the laser latter. There are a ton of vehicles 2 gauss warthogs, two ghosts, four mongooses and a chopper. I don't think that would work to well in the confined area that Foundry is. It looks rather plain and empty as far as looks go. I cannot rate or comment on gameplay because I need to download it first.
    Edit: You need download links
  4. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    There is nothing to this map, from what I can see. There are a couple boxes and walls, all non-interlocked or geo-merged. There are too many vehicles for the size of map Foundry is, and there is no cover. I'd suggest if you want to make something like avalanche on Foundry, you add cover around the sides, because Avalanche isn't a base and then just flat open terrain.
  5. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    This is WAY too open. First off, foundry can't hold that many vehicle and have fun gameplay at the same time. You should really only need like 2 warthogs and maybe a ghost. Sorry but foundry isn't one of those heavy maps. It would just ruin gameplay. Also like Kn1ghtBoy stated, check out the forging 101 section on the home page. Your skills will increase if you read and find everything you need to know from that section. My suggestion is that you delete all vehicles but the TWO warthogs and move the ghost to another location. Then maybe add some structures and cover in the necessary places, but still keep some open areas for vehicle travel.
  6. JAC Overlord

    JAC Overlord Ancient
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    I suggest adding some cover and some structures out in the open, and go over to Forging 101 for some help with some of you buildings. Add on to your bases, and learn some techniques to enhance your map to it's full potential. It looks interesting as it is, but if you want it to succeed, just head over to the Forging 101, as I said earlier, for some really cool ways to improve your map.

    And also, get rid of all the vehicles. Foundry can't handle it.
  7. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    its ok but like the others said it would be better with more structures and cover
  8. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    That map is a nightmare, there is no interlocking at all, neither there is geomerging, the map is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to open, like waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy tooooo ooopppeeeennnn, I would love to say something nice about the map now, but that's the whole point, I can't...Forging 101 for you mate.
  9. AI_Twitch

    AI_Twitch Ancient
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    Now unlike the players above, I do not entirely hate this map. The biggest flaw is you are trying to make it too much like Avalanche. And since Avalanche is about three times as big as Foundry, you are definately going to have to change some aspects of the map. First of all, you can't have a billion vehicles, but I think you have compensated well because you only have five. You should make it three. I would say get rid of the ghosts and make the chopper spawn at the beginning. Another thing that the players have caught on is there is no cover at all. Something you could do to make this map great is to cover the entire ground in complex geo merging to make a distinct terrain. this would make traveling over it much more difficult, making the map seem bigger while maintaining the openness and providing some cover at the same time.
  10. Pomegranate17

    Pomegranate17 Ancient
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    this map has ntohing to it; all this is is a couple crates and boxes with a chopper and overshields; horrible map 1/5 but since ur new u can keep working and eventually produce a better map with some fusing and merging and more creativity. good luck
  11. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    this map is ok. i would suggest you read up on some forging tips. on the website there is a thread called forging 101. you should read up on that. there is some good things. after you read it you should try some of the things mentioned their so you can make some more advanced maps.
  12. Planet9

    Planet9 Ancient
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    Again, thanks for the criticisms.

    So far, I've added a fence box around the 2 corners in the open area (both geomerged to make them a bit shorter.) I've also added 2 sets of walls on the column-ish area with the spartan laser. I got rid of the mongeese and ghosts and changed the chopper to a ghost. I also geomerged 2 single open boxes parallel to the area with the shotgun (the open box in between the spartan laser and the brute shot.)

    I feel like I may have put a little too much equipment. But I may not fix that quite yet.

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