Map Name: Panama Map Description: Panama is like a maze, but easy to navigate. It has a tunnel in the back where there's barriers to take cover behind from enemy fire. In the center of the map is a man-cannon that fires you up to the upper level where there are connecting bridges and a sniper window. The level also has two trucks surrounded by fusion coils which result in a rather pleasant bang. The map also has some good hiding spots, which allow you to get the perfect assassination! Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer, Slayer Recommended Variants: Team SWAT, Team Snipers Weapon List: Fuel Rodx1, Rocket Launcherx1, Sniper Riflex1, Spartan Laserx1, Machine Gun Turretsx2, Plasma Cannonsx2, Shotgunx1, Gravity Hammerx1 Pictures: View From The Second Level This is the Man-Cannon launching you to the second level! View From The Side Download Link:
This looks like a good map. Might i suggest that you put More pictures on your post and I think that you should put a weapon list of what weapons are on the map. But this looks like a cool map.
This is a maze, ? i dont really see a maze in it, And the back rooms of foundry has nothing in it? which doesnt quite make sense? also other places looks very opened, and it looks like you rushed it. Theres no interlocking, and its messy. Also it looks like no gameplay would work very well on this map either. 1/5 sorry man. Good luck next time, try and plan the map, and make stuff straight, don't rush your maps.
ok i would say that this is a decent map. i dont know what you are going with this map because you say any game-type will work. i would suggest for future maps that you base it upon one or two game-types that way you know what will be played and make decisions based on that.
it looks like you rushed on it a bit and it's lacking aesthetically, however I'm sure that it would make a pretty good if you slowed down and reworked it a bit.
I changed the recommended game variants to what it plays well on. I tested it on SWAT, and it's pretty fun.
This is just plain tacky, and is in no sense a maze!!! It's not hard, has no interlocking and the walls aren't even aligned well, this is hardly near standards! Please read the forging 101 section!
So this is for slayer variants? Just curious about the spawn times for the weapons, because you've got two rocket based weapons (rocket launcher and the fuel rod gun) on the map and you really should only have one. Plus if the spawn times are really low then it will sort of ruin gameplay. If there high then don't worry about it. Also, this was not executed very well. If you don't know how to interlock then the forging 101 section is where you should go. It just creates better smoothness. I'd recommend also looking at featured maps and see how they lay out there maps and how smooth and clean they are. Just a suggestion. Just clean the map up a bit and I think you'll more positive feedback. 2/5
Sadly enough, this map is way to simply designed and it's way to sloppy, like waaaaaay to sloppy, you don't really need to interlock to make a map good, but everything is just placed so crooked up, You need to go to forging 101 if you wanna get somewhere, this map doesn't contain alot of time and work and there isn't a gametype either, so this is an Epic Fail. I can't give more than a 1/5, next time try harder and take more time, this one is of the standard forging skill that's needed for a proper map. Well, at least the post is up to the standard
do something better with the back of foundry, interlock the walls, make the walls taller so you can't get over them, and stand up the barriers so it doesn't look like a cat positioned them for V2 and this'll be a good map.
This map looks as though it took you 20 minutes to make, and would keep the attention of a player for not even 2. It has no aesthetics at all and does not provide any element of a new enviornment to the player. It is simply just many walls on the ground. Your second level consists of a double box turned on its side. Better luck next time.
this isnt as bad as some of the other ones ive seen recently just dont rush through creating ur map next time; great maps ussually take a long time to make; on the better side, that other guy said u cant play any game ttype on this but it looks posible for slayer although it doenst look like a fun map; on the maze: it doesn't look like a maze and u can easily get out of it 2/5
Ok, so with all your advice..or some of it, these are my plans for v2. - Remove some of the walls - Get rid of all the open space - Do something with Foundry's back rooms - Try interlocking and merging - Support more Gametypes