I've decided what I'm gonna do with my controller. I'll have the left side green and the right side blue. Check it. Basically, I'll change the LEDs to green and blue, and I obviously won't use these exact colours. If I can, I'll paint the sticks and the buttons.
There are a lot of tutorials, but all of them seem low quality. I was wondering if anybody had a good, easy to understand one.
i saw it done, and it was so small i had know idea what my friend was doing. he did mention something about negatives and positives... so im assuming that's important.
Yeah, that is important. Diodes only let charge flow through them in one direction. So don't put them on the wrong way around. Also, why do red green and yellow LEDs cost 5p, but blue LEDs cost 25p? Why are blue one's more expensive?
they really were extremely inexpensive, and i didn't notice any price differences between blue and red. But there were other led's that were more expensive because they were different. also, buy extras. you WILL need them. He was holding one with tweezers, pinched too hard, and the tiny little guy disappeared forever. drop one and you're ****ed. *note* more pics coming later
haha this is great! i am acually getting pretty bored of seing green. but if i could do this wouldnt that be something XD
Only one section lights up at a time, though. The only time they all light up is when you get a notification or when you turn the controller on. I painted my controller orange, with a light coat of spray paint. It looks pretty cool, actually. If I could find orange LEDs to put into it, that would just be sick.
I think a light blue on a black controller would look really awesome. Also and orange shade on the new red controllers.
You can just buy all of this stuff of ebay. They make screwdrivers just for the xbox controller to take it off and everything.
Would it be possible to do the same thing on the power button on the Xbox? I would change mine to red, and then tell everyone I had the RRoD but my xbox still works
yes you can, my friend's xbox is white with blue lights. but you have to keep in mind that it voids your warranty.
This mods are pretty cool, I've thought about doing some light mods to my PS3 controllers but have never gotten around to it.
Do it up guys, i still haven't gotten over the red every time i turn on the controller. I still have to run around my house showing people like "LOOK! ITS RED OMG" another note, my white controllers stopped working during the led switching, dont forget to re-attach the rumblers when you're done. lol.
hmmmm, i might follow grif's tut and paint my controller blue and put blue lights in it colour changing led's would eat up the battery i think so that would be a bad idea is there any way of buying clear/transluscent X Y B A buttons?