Keep on topic pl0x. I hope that this game is just like CoD4, I hated when they dropped back to WWII for CoD5. CoD5 wasn't bad, but the Modern warfare was just the best game in the whole series. I'm pumped for it.
I like cod 4 a lot, but the thing is, I can't really get into it the way I get into halo. With all the random glitches and camping and stuff, it doesn't feel as involved as halo.
The new cod will be great,cod4 was absolutely awesome,better then world at was by a long shot,so thats why I think that cod 5 will be great
im really looking forward to this. unlike what most people seem to want, i hope they dont change to much. obviously, i dont want the exact same game, it needs to be a bit varied. but since the formula of CoD 4 was nearly perfect, i still want another game thats fairly similar. i would love it.
Call of Duty 5 already came out, it was world at war. And I hope the new Call of Duty Modern Warefare game playes like the first, not World at War. That would make me epic sad fayce.
They were basically the same game, but WaW was alot worse than Modern Warefare. I know they used mostly the same stuff, but the weapons, the campaing, and the multiplayer aspects were all just different on a basic level. I don't know exactly how to explain it, they just were. And it sucked.
Well yeah, the weapons will be different, because it's world war 2. Lets put it this way, if you took WaW, and made it based during modern time, you would have a clone of MW, with a coop campaign.
i would love a fresh original style of gameplay. perhaps 10 more weapons would be nice too. along with snow maps. yes! and defo get rid of juggernuat (**** perk).
It's essentially the same game; take away modern-day maps and set it back 60 years and throw in weapons of that era, it's the same game. ___-- To get my opinion on the OP, I hope Modern Warfare 2 has a better matchmaking system, similar to that of Halo's. The exp progression is fine n' dandy but the fact that I match up with lvl. 10 prestige 55's every game and get my ass whooped removes any fun and just turns each game into me screaming profanities across my home. How's that any fun?
Actually, there are 6 main Call of Duties. The rest are expansions of some sort. The only thing I hope they add is an attachment that gets rid of 2 of your perks so you can attach all the upgrades to your weapon. 3 if you add the Grenade Launcher. And, I hope they add more foreign weapons and a bigger variety of pistols.
CoD: MW 2? This better not be the same game for the 3rd time in a row.... Its just different maps and different guns! If i knew that before i would have kept CoD: 4..... Thing i Hope to See: Better Respawn System (i get spawned killed about every match) New Perks (same perks in CoD: WaW, we need new ones!) Keep the "new class for each prestigie" Customisable Soldiers (wouldn't that be awesome)
To be honest, I don't know what IW would have to add for me to get it. I'll may end up getting it anyways because that is what my friends will be playing, but I'm sure there will be other games that I don't already have that are worth my money.
Katana Master, you are reading my MIND! I love the new class unlock, but most of the perks need to go, or be reorganized. Everyone always whores an m16 stopping power in CoD:4, and the beginner weapons should be toned down a bit. If anybody knows what the point of Reconnaissance perk is in WaW, please tell me.
call of duty big red one had a full campaign and so did call of duty 2. I don't remember 1 at all and I know three had two campaign ones.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but since I don't have the time to look through the thread (sorry guiz), just check this out: Post your Ideas for Modern Warfare 2 If you have a cool idea, it could get tons of votes, and Infinity Ward, will probably see it, and take it into consideration.
Full campaigns =/= new game. While it is hard to correctly pin-point the difference between an expansion and a new game. I'm pretty sure that for a new game to be called new, the engine has to be recoded or at least improved in some way. Finest Hour was just a marketing ploy to get the people who bought the PC version to also buy that one. In essence, it was a game to try and make Call of Duty more popular on the cosoles but it was essentially Call of Duty 1. Big Red One was another marketing ploy to get more sales. It was just a game for the last gen. In essence, a spin-off. Roads to Victory was for the PSP and N-Gage. I don't think I actually have to say anything here. In essence, a spin-off. Finally, 4: Modern Warfare was also a Spin-off.