Revelation. I created this map for the Template Contest Week 6. And it has turned into, most likely, my best map. It is not AMAZING like many other maps but I am not the greatest forger and I don't have the patience to work several hours on one map. This map is symmetrical on both side (besides the switching of the A and B signs) there are two bases, a sniper tower, middle ridge, hallway under ridge, elevators in the two towers on each side of the ridge, grav lifts up to the sniper tower and a back hallway. Now for the things you all want to see PICTURES!!: Inside A Base (looks the same at B) Outside A Base Middle, Ridge and A Tower Middle Hall, Under Ridge Sniper Tower/Spawn Back Hallway Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Weapons: 4 SMGs 4 BRs 4 ARs 4 Magnums 4 Spikers 2 Machine Gun Turrets 2 Plasma Rifles 2 Brute Shots 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Shotgun Equipment: 2 Bubble Shields 2 Tripmines 2 Power Drains 2 Deployable Grav Lifts 2 Grav Lifts 1 Active Camo 1 Over Shield Vehicles: 4 Warthogs 4 Mongooses Download: Map: Revelation Gametype: 2012 CTF Please give any sort of advice so that I may become a better Forger. Thanks in advance, powndclmn Thanks to mOOn seagulL, Sumpter360, icup FunyColors, and R Rinella for playing on the grand opening of the map. And a special thanks to R Rinella for helping with spawn placement and placing one Double Container in front of the grav lift and then distracting me by driving around a Warthog.
Ehh. It seems very sloppy. In the last picture, the walls seem really crooked. Doesn't look like you spent a lot of time on it and seems very rushed. I saw that you said you don't like spending hours on a map, but sometimes it can take a few weeks and sometimes months to complete a map. Maps take time and if you don't want to even spend a week on one, then it probably won't come out very well. Also, I think you have too many vehicles. You should really only need two of each vehicle on here. Foundry isn't that big. Layout doesn't seem that original. Some things just seem so sloppy and looks like no thought was put into it. It looks okay but isn't the best. Doesn't seem very smooth. I rate it overall 3/5
Didn't the template contest just come out yesterday?? Did you just kinda rush this one out? Anzywayz, as the above poster said, it looks sloppy, and not just aesthetically sloppy, but gameplay inhibating sloppy. Thats a might arrangment of power weapons you got there, and that may not be a good thing, although there are two warthogs, soo... Umm, I don't really have anything else to say.
The walls are uneven, and I think in a small map like this, 4 warthogs is over the top.Clean it up maybe get rid of some of the vehicles and this map will be awesome for 4v4 CTF.
the map isn't that small I think I just showd the smaller parts in the map but I am gona fix up some stuff and post a v2 so the wall should be better and I'm gona delete a worthog on both sides
Just as psychzero stated, it does look very sloppy. But you openly admitted that so I think you understand so I wont go into much further detail. I cant really tell which part of the map was part of the template, or really much of whats going on in the map. Having that many vehicles on a Foundry map, is generally not a good idea and only works well in some very rare cases. I cant really tell much, and really doesnt look like much fun, with the wide open spaces. I think your remedy for that was to put in the vehicles but idk how well it worked out for you.
the map looks ok. nothing outstanding. maybe you should try to make some more strategy when making a map. its not terrible though i like the sniper room.
this map accually as very good layout in my opinion but could use some more inter locking and i dont see and geomerging, so work on the thoes 3/5
I looks rushed, cramped, and sloppy. Next time take a little more care into your work. Some areas look like they should have been cleaner. I think that what you were trying to pull off could have been executed better as well. I like the idea that I think could be pulled off, just not how it was done. And on the contrary to what I said earlier, some parts aren't crowded. They are downright empty. Either you have no cover or too much, and that doesn't make a halfway point. 2/5.
It looks sloppy, and definitley rushed. The template contest just came out, and yet you already have the map finished? it looks like you have the skills to make a map, but try to take a little more time in your map. This has potential though, a little more time and this could be a well forged map.
yeah I'm gona start working on a v2 to clean up a lot of the stuff. My initial attempt at a v2 has turned it into a completely new map, so I might start tomorrow.
Soo... I am in the middle of making the v2 but I was wondering, do I create a new thread for the v2 or just replace the original in this thread? If anyone can help out that would be awesome.