hello this is my fisrt post deserted city map:Halo 3 File Details attack gametype Halo 3 File Details unhappy spirit (invisble zomb)Halo 3 File Details story:you and your squad hear a distress call from a deserted city and you decide to check it out, however you quickly learn you are not alone. weps list 1xplasma pistol 1xassault rifle 2xbr 1xshotgun 2xsniper rifle 1xrocket launcher 2xsmg 1xneedler 1xcarbine pics: alley cube train car inside school apartment basketball court
i like the ideas of your map. im guessing that the map is purely for looks though. i like the train car, it ads a nice touch.
not bad at all for your first post but i could use more pictures please. Could you post a few pictures of the middle? And maybe inside the middle building? I like your box car!
I like that train car, pretty original. But it is hard to tell much of anything from the pictures you've provided. I really want to see the inside of the middle building, but there aren't any pictures of it. I'd say this looks decent either way, if you can get more pics up that would be nice. =)
The box car is very intresting, however the rest of the map doesnt seem to serve any function. Try and move the train to the middle, delete everything else and make a new map from there.
hey this map is good end everything but that one side on the map is pretty empty unlike the other side.
As said above, it's kinda hard to tell what the layout of your map is. If you could post some more pictures sometime, then I'm sure it would increase your maps popularity. Also as stated above, I really like the box car you did, it is a very unique structure. More pics soon Pl0x? Keep Forging.
It looks okay. Cube = pointless? The whole map looks fairly basic, apart from that box car. That is really the only part I like. Everything else is sort of mediocre for me. Still, keep on trying. It's not bad for a first attempt. 2/5.
very nice idea. its not nice looks and the train made me luagh. the story is good and the layout is nice. 4/5