Awesome. It's about time someone made a HL machinima. Are there any other videos like this? Oh and that asian dude is a Gordon Freeman wannabe. Taking a crowbar and kill that Combine officer.
That was excellent. They got almost every emotion down, and the special effects where quite impressive. I'm surprised someone was able to render this without making it a full-fledged movie, or retail. I've subscribed and am anticipating the rest of the series.
I can't wait for the rest of the series. I loved this part of Half Life, but I wondered what it would be like if I wasn't Gordon Freemen. It would be cool to play as one of the militia troops, sort of like a Half Life version of Halo:ODST
Wow, this film blew me away! All I could think of was: “This is machinima?” I'm really looking forward to the continuation of the series. The visual effects were perfect, so were the props and storyline. I'm gonna say that this kicks The Duo Group's Sup Chief?'s ass in the action and amazement department. The combine even miss like every other army of antagonists ever portrayed in film! It really doesn't matter, I just think like that. A DAMN good film!