Majority Wins, 6 is Epic. I do wonder though will it eventually kill you like or will it be instantaneous. Probably the Second one.
LOL @ # 1. Sence so meny people tell me to seend invs to them while forgin, I got no wories for the map messing up when they join!!! LOL
idea for killball! have you ever seen a map on foundry where a telporter is Interlocked so that you can't see it but can still use it? well, maybe you can do that with a killball,only maybe put a pallat over it so they walk through it unknowingly, thinking its just nothing....*snickers* there yummy:haha: i would :lol: at there the theater!
i wonder what would happen if you deployed a bubble shield right next to the killball. would it let you in partly? would it move? interesting questions to answer....
Lmao this is madd funny! I love #2 and #6 the most. LMAO I can just imagine a guy with recon just chillin inside the kill ball while all the little squekers just look at the guy with recon but cant do anything but stare XD
HAHA THe first one is hilarious! I think I am going to do that now........never ending span kills! lol And I already planned on the second one. That killball is really going to add some very interesting consequences for those that venture too close! This is going to be fun! haha
ha that is really funny. i will have to try some of those tactics out. my favorite is where you drop something on the people. ha they dont even see it coming.
My idea? Create a map where one team spawns inside a killball, the other spawns on a platform above the killball so they can watch the other team die. Change the title of the map to whatever the name of the inevitable first MLG Sandbox map will be. Go onto the MLG playlist, and sit tight and wait for the inevitable twat to call me out over my BR/Snipe/Whatever despite the fact I probably did slightly better than him. Challenge him to a 1 vs 1 on the awesome MLG Sandbox map. Teabag like mad from my platform as he dies repeatedly.
thats so... evil... I LOVE IT Personally i will probably punish curiously (though i already do that (fence boxes ftw))
That's a good list, but I think mine would stack up like so: 1. Kill people. 2. Kill people. 3. Kill people. 4. Kill people. 5. Kill people. 6. Kill people. 7. Kill people.
I have a serious use for it. Make weapons despawn with it. When the killball spawns later in the match around them they are now inaccesible, allowing you to change their position. If you wish that is. You could just remove them totally.
What happens if you're on the wrong team, and you spawn inside the kill ball over and over again? And he would probably quite in the first place... /murder Anyway, my main plan (besides the snowman) for these things is just to swing them about aimlessly and kill BlueJay and Friction in forge.