Natural Screenshots - A lost art?

Discussion in 'Screenshot Discussion' started by stickmanmeyhem, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    There is really no comeback for that. iCrankhoes doesnt have a say nomore lol
  2. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
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    This is exactly what i was saying, i just should've phrased it better. What i meant was, their are tons of great maps out there that were made without interlocking but they don't get the respect and attention they deserve because of the new found glitches that everyone knows and uses today. Same thing happens with screenshots if they don't have some kind of effect their not respected or seen as a good screenshot.

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
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    I gota agree with the others. This thread really is pointless. I'm just surprised it hasn't gotten locked yet.
  4. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Sure, they may be overrated, but there have been thousands of regular screenshots and people like this new stuff. Plus, it looks really cool.
  5. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    The reason it's not locked is cause i have a mod on my side, and it's actual discussion. Not just putting screenshots in the wrong forum or telling people how to do "that effect" in the wrong forum.
  6. iCrankHoes

    iCrankHoes Ancient
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    LOLOL do i even have to comment on what a nerd you sound like...? go buy a book and hack it or something.. lol make your life useful cause being a teacher is dumb as **** to start with then to try and correct me over the internet and make yourself look like an even bigger dumb ass.. lolol your a joke.. i mean really.. who the **** says this...?
    I must respect the rules of grammar and my intelligence.

    hahahahaha ya good one now stop wasting your time and go look at my file share to see some REAL screen shots not the shitty ones you try to make kthx♥
  7. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Hey calm down now, we don't need another thread becoming insults.
  8. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Innovation? For example, when Mp3 players first came out they weren't the best looking and could barely do anything. Now Mp3's such as the iPod Touch or the Cowon S9 come out that look amazing and have so much to offer.
    I guess you hate those things to right? Why don't we all just go back to the horse and buggy? I looove candles and paint over electricity and photoshop.
  9. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    The idiocy in this thread is facepalm worthy...

    There is a difference between innovation and advancement. There is a difference between natural and modified. There is a difference between necessary and unnecessary, beneficial and detrimental, functionality and aesthetics, knowledgeable opinion and senseless babbling, on topic and off topic. For some reason people can't seem to notice these differences.

    In the sense of visual arts, there will always be change in the visually pleasing. Movies that looked amazing in the past are trumped by movies today. Fashions of the 90's are replaced by fashions of today, it is just a natural thing. However, the core of visual art will remain. In the sense of photography, it will always be composition and substance. Is the focus of your photo the person or the large sunburst in the background? If you answered the sunburst, then you can simply remove the person and have the picture be just as good. This is how I feel it is with the effects of screenshots these days. Look at the following example:

    *Sorry if I do not give credit where it is due. If you see your screenshot, let me know, and I'll give you credit. I'm just picking these out as random to show my point.


    You can essentially remove the Spartan, and nothing would change. The "effect" receives more attention than the actual spartan, whose role in the overall composition is so minimal that it is basically un-needed. Now look at this one:


    Note how the effect is adding to the overall composition, and is not the focus of the screenshot. It enhances the presence of the Spartan, more over the sniper rifle. If you removed the Spartan, the picture would have no meaning.

    Now, you can remove the effect and it will still have some meaning, but not a powerful one. The effect should enhance, not create. The way people ***** about a screenshot lacking effect or an interesting one, makes me believe as if no one pays attention to anything but the effect. Hence, screenshots like the one I first showed are a result. Sure, 10/10 for a cool effect, but not for a cool screenshot (or I should really say photograph, cause that is what it essentally is). Look at this one:


    No effects were used, but the composition is beautiful. The colors are strong, the framing is solid, and the background is quite nice. Now, could this have been taken better? I would think so, but it wouldn't need effects. In fact, effects would ruin it.

    Then you have these screenshots that rely on effect, and even worse is it looks crappy, but people love it because it is an effect unseen. Look at this:


    Muddy colors are first to take notice. Then you have un-matching blues, greens, and yellows, that look even worse with the surrounding gray. While the framing is solid, the rest of the screenshot isn't. The effect contributes in no way to the screenshot, it is the screenshot, which is not what effects are. (I'm sorry crank, I am not impressed at all with these "great" screenshots you took. The only one mildly cool is this one, but it tosses framing and composition out the window. I simply just enjoy the SMG, but as a whole it is a bad screenshot.)

    Simply, effects do not make screenshots, overall composition and substance do. However, with comments such as these:

    PIC that is being commented in the above statement

    You see, I am confused. Are we rating screenshots, or effects here?
  10. iCrankHoes

    iCrankHoes Ancient
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    haha those are old... and if mine are SO BAD please id love to see you do ANY BETTER... give me sometihng 5/5 like almost ALL of mine do...

    here are just 4 examples...
    prove me wrong big shot..


    [​IMG] : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    [​IMG] : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Aurora Borealis

    [​IMG] : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    [​IMG] : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

  11. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Did you not read a thing I said? I was not attacking your screenshots, but it is a simple rule of debate to include the oppositions attack in your counter, hence I chose a screenshot (one people somehow liked). You are really, really, really missing the point of my argument here, but fine I will comment your pictures.


    The effect is cool, and it enhances/draws attention to the subject, in this case the Spartan. Framing is a little off, however. The subject takes up half the screen, and the other half is left empty. This could have been by doing more of a closeup on the upper half of the body. On the other hand, if the background was a little more interesting than just a cool graphic look in the background, the empty space could be intriguing due to potential Depth of Field. Overall, the effect works because it doesn't make the screenshot, it adds to it.


    I think I have seen this screen before, and I do enjoy it. The framing follows the rules of thirds, and the effects aren't over bearing. They are simple, and again add to the substance and composition of this screen.


    This one I enjoy, for it is similar to the one I displayed with the use of the Spartan Laser. The Spartan remains the focus of the picture, with the added effect in the background. However, it doesn't seem to match any particular flow to the Spartan, so if the direction of the "blue ice" could have been different (possible horizontal and lined up with the Spartan's Line of sight more?) then it would have been better.


    This one is my least favorite because it just doesn't seem to have any substance. The angle upon the spartan begs sky background with converging lines that meet at a point behind the Spartan's head. While I enjoy the gradient-like blue at the bottom, it just doesn't seem to suit the overall flow of the rest of the image.

    There you go, my honest opinion. Overall, you seemed to have improved with your screenshot skills since the thread I saw. Out of all them, I enjoyed Blizzard the best because it had good framing/composition, and substance, while avoiding overbearing effects. However, this doesn't support your opinion that screenshots need effects, they don't. The picture I linked of the Monitor in the sun is a great screenshot that used no effects. The one I showed of the Spartan and the night sky had no effects, but had the framing of a good screen. Let me simplify my argument real simple for everyone.

    The two necessities of a good screenshot:
    1) Framing/Composition
    2) Substance

    3) Effects

    As you can see, effects is at the bottom and is left out of the 2 most important, because it is least necessary for a good screenshot.
  12. iCrankHoes

    iCrankHoes Ancient
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    thank you.. thats where i was trying to get at..

    The two necessities of a good screenshot:
    1) Framing/Composition
    2) Substance
    3) Effects
  13. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Sir this is my screenshot look at the thread,Sol[​IMG]
  14. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Sweeney, when you say "Framing is a little off" that is completely wrong. I don't even feel like I need to explain it if you have any background in art which most of the people that make screenshots are into. The direct focus does not need to be centered in the picture. That is a joke.
  15. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    Crooked, did you read his explanation? he was right - The Rule of Thirds.

    The key to a great screenshot lies not in some wild effect,
    but the way in which the screenshot is composed.


    The first step to taking a great screenshot is to assess the main feature of the image, usually a player or vehicle. It is important that this object be properly aligned and positioned. For example, if a player is looking to the right of the screen, position him on the left hand side.

    One of the oldest conventions of visual media is the “Rule of Thirds”. Simply put, the viewing area is divided into three horizontal spaces and three vertical spaces, to produce a tic-tac-toe grid.

    It has been proven that people are more likely to look at the intersected grid lines, rather than the exact middle. Use this to your advantage by positioning objects slightly off center.
  16. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    That has nothing to do with what I said...I was stating that the picture he was saying was off center was actually better than if it was off center. You are just stating random facts that are irrelevant. I know what you are saying and agree but it doesn't apply to my comment.
  17. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    I do think you have a point, although the tone of the complaint is a bit unnecessary.

    it should be possible to take really good screen shots without excessive use of effects. Get some naturally lighting shots; focus the position of the people in the shot more than the lighting effects that you can do. Sure, they look cool, but often times, the effects are overdone.
  18. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    This is going to be hard to explain but go with me.

    From my point of view, it does not matter what the picture is made up of, but what is inside the picture. Meaning, it doesn't matter if there are effects or no effects in a screenshot it matters what the screenshot looks like and what the screenshot allows people to get out of it.

    Everyone is going to have a different opinion on how screenshots should be made but you cannot take effects completely out of the mix or have no natural pictures. The creator of this thread doesn't understand. Natural pictures can be just as good or better as screenshots with effects if they are created correctly. He is complaining about something that isn't true.

    Sometimes the screenshot may have no meaning but look fricken amazing. Other times it might be the meaning behind the picture that is what makes it amazing. People need to realize the difference between photos and stop comparing the two against each other. Take them for what they were made to be.
  19. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    I guess what i really meant by my previous post is that people overuse the effects. They looks amazing and such, but a lot of times the effects are overused and then people take a lot of really "cool" shots that end up looking like a lot of other peoples. So what i mean is that (some) people should tone down the reliance on effects, and work on cool, quality pictures; mix it up a little.
  20. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    I see what you are saying and yes I do agree. But some people are only using 1 effect and people say that is overdone for the picture. In a way they are not overdone because they barely did anything to alter the normal quality but they don't look good to begin with.

    For me, I basically only look for new and creative ideas to taking screenshots. Whether it have no effects or effects, if something stands out to me I keep it in mind and try to make something new out of it with something else. That is the way I live my life. I never follow what normal people do, I want to make do whatever someone did and make it better. That is my competitive nature and I cannot control it.

    For effects, I think instead of toning down the use of effects (for the people that make screenshots with effects), should try to find other effects or use no effects to create better pictures. A lot of the pictures that people post on here are garbage (to be honest). They have no thought in them. In turn this ruins it for the other people who actually have put the thought into their screenshot. (whether it be with or without effects)

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