I know this is similar to something else already posted, but I feel this is more specific. Post your highest ranks and for what list their in is in. Ex. (Mine) Highest Rank: 41, Colonel Grade 2 Playlist: Lone Wolves Second Highest: 25 Playlist: SWAT Third Highest: 23 Playlist: Team Slayer
On my new account Lieutenant, 40 in MLG On my old account Colonel, 47 in Slay and Dubs with a 43 in MLG
Myh highest rank is on my other account 1.50 in MLG 2.48 in team slayer 3.46 in swat and doubles 4.44 in snipers
slayer-50 dubs-50 MLG-50 obj-40 LW-44 SWAT-40 on a quest to get all 50's anyone want to help? im doing Objective tomorrow.
I feel kinda low on the totem pole after reading you guys. 38-Swat I think 15 in Slayer I don't play much else besides Swat... =)
Highest Rank: 42 Colonel Grade 3 Playlist: Lone Wolves Second Highest: 36 Playlist: Team Slayer Third Highest: 33 Playlist: Ranked Living Dead
Colonel Grade 2 Highest: Team Slayer - 42 or 41? Second Highest: Lone Wolves - 40 but I helped a dude and now its 36 - Third Highest: Team Doubles - 36 -38, IDK... =/
*Sorry, but I'm not following the format* 4 star General, baby! Now I have to brag a little: - I have only owned and Xbox of any sort for one year. - Without ever playing H3 before (except maybe a couple of hours at a friends), I was able to rank up into the mid-forties before I got stuck at a rank long enough to get a "grade 2." - x Encounter x is the only account I have ever had. - I got my fifty by going in with randoms... I didn't get boosted by a friend. - My k/d ratio has been consistently rising for about the last six months or so. If you deleted all of my stats for the first six months of me having Halo, my k/d ratio would be WAY higher. How's that for legit (If you look at my stats, you will see that my win/loss ratio isn't amazing (it's not bad, though). The reason for this is because I play a ton of social team with my friends who are not so great at Halo. They are too much to carry)
Gah i feel like a nOObz Lone Wolfz: 33 Working on MLG to achieve highest skill to rank... I need a team instead of alone...
40-Legendary Brawl(that was such a pain in the ass) 37-Lone Wolves I guess I do best in FFA. Weird, I never would have guessed.