This was a map, that my friend Madmattster created a while ago. It tests your physical and mental abilities. Usually, puzzle maps are created on Foundry, using the variety of items available etc, but I decided to make it on Avalanche. [size=-4]This is a version 2 of the map, with very minor fixes etc. Such as pandoras box slightly retouched, the lazer hallway fixed, as well as the event 8 slightly changed.[/size] In case anyone is wondering, a Puzzle map is NOT the same as a Maze. A Maze, is running around aimlessly through a series of walls and other objects to "escape". A Puzzle map, is thinking/skillfully getting somewhere, such as a territory. Some commonly used Puzzle map puzzles are; hopping onto a mongoose/turret through a wall..killing yourself with a hidden grenade, riccoche'ing bullets off shield doors to destroy fusion coils that are blocking teleporters etc. etc. So anyways, here are the details. ==Map DOWNLOAD== ==GAME VARIANT REQUIRED== Description: This is a complex puzzle map created by Madmattster and behemoth1991. This puzzle map includes Mental and Physical challenging tasks. There is one checkpoint found throughout the puzzle map to reduce some frustration. This map took approximately 56 hours to make, test and perfect. There isn't much you can explain about a puzzle map, because that would just spoil the surprises! So, good luck! What to expect New/difficult puzzles. No jumping through walls using turrets/vehicles. Checkpoint to save you from frustration! Screenshots and hints Event 1-You appear to be trapped, start with what you have. Event 2-Down and up again. Event 3-Raise those knees, you will need a little bit of extra help. Event 4-Checkpoint! Event 5-Get a grip and don't look down. Event 6-You are given a tool, throw it away. Event 7-Be careful, your life is in jeopardy. Event 8-Good Path Event 8-Bad Path (part 2) Event 9-Don't leave this maze unprepared, collect all your materials before you leave. No Image Event 10-You're on your own. Good Luck! Note:This puzzle map can be completed without host, and you can have several people in the party, no cheating! (Such as double jumping or using each others bodies) Good Luck!!
Wow man that looks pretty hard parts of it seem like they would get annoying, although the teleporter checkpoint part is nice. It gets very annoying... lol I couldn't get past the second part with the jumping I just couldn't do it. I got onto the platforms and got 1 up but I couldn't get to the second one... It looks very nice though and good job on the avalanche part of it lol. First Post! lol =P
hahaha this map looks fun! i bet it would make a good zombie map becuase of the close quarters, meaning there would be alot of surprises. ill Dl and give it a try. ~BlackhawkO3~
Look pretty sweet. Nice interlocking, and the puzzle itself looks've got yourself another download. Keep up the good forging!
Hmm I saw this puzzle posted quite a while ago (like this past summer), and I've already gotten through some of it. I liked the first part, but the next challenge you pretty much just had to guess where to jump. Maybe I'll try to finish the map.
Ahh whoops, I forgot to mention. This is a v2, with a few fixes and very minor additions etc. You are right, this has been posted before, but I think it was in bad format etc. and I didn't know if you were aloud to necro post (like, post in old topics) so I just remade the thread with a few more things. Thanks for the downloads guys! Glad you guys appreciate all the work put into this! ^_^
Wow the beginning is really original. Some of the rest does also especially the Turret Jump. You know when you cant figure out what to do on the pictures your going to have a hard time on the map. Nice Job!
This looks good! I really like that you made a puzzle map on avalanche! Very original. I think that this would be challenging and fun, but I don't do puzzle maps so I won't download. But great job! 5/5
nice puzzle map it seems to be more complicated then people think, its a little sloppy but that kinda gives it more of the quality of having to go through those nasty cracks and those boundaries that are near the top of the map keep forging id like to see you make something like this on black out or what would be a real CHALLENGE WOULD BE ON GUARDIAN YOU KNOW.
This looks really good, and innovative. Try doing this on some other unusual maps, such as Cold Storage, or maybe even Narrows. Qu'd. EDIT: This map is RocK Hard. I can't even destroy the Fusion Coil in the first part without standing on someone's head. Perhaps a Walkthrough would be useful.
Very nice post you have there. I don't see that much puzzle maps on Avalanche, so this one might be the first one that caught my attention. Checkpoints were a great addition to the map. I really like the start because it looks like they are in a river trying to escape from getting drowned. You got yourself a download from me. Nice job.
When the download reaches 500, I will post a walkthrough. (Currently at 334 downloads) Thanks for the downloads guys. Me and my friend were thinking of making a puzzle map on one of the neglected maps, such as Cold Storage etc. So make sure you keep an eye out for any new puzzle maps/maps from me! ~Myztic
Once the map hits 500 downloads, I will put up a walkthrough. It is currently at 463, so it's just a matter of time ^_^