Celcium Celcuim is my newest map. I've been working on it for about a month, and I've had all this time because i had dial up because my internet shut down. The map will take you through an adventure leading you to many routes, ramps, jumps, and skill to win. Its amazing features and congest forge makes the map more outstanding to play. weapon list: grav. hammer sniper rocket 2 spiker 3 ar 6 br 1 needler 1 radar jam 1 regenerate 4 frag 4 plasm game types: (2-6 players) slayer ctf territories Author: my shots a kill Special thanks: back f0r more killings free regenerate 1 itz havey josh d have {for help testing and tips thanks a lot} pictures I would say there isnt 1 movable object that isn't either interlocked or geo-merged. once agian special thanks! I will be adding new photo's tomorrow because i realized i didnt get the great of shots. download Celcium thanks for watching please play on the map before critisicsm
I read the description and I was really excited because since you had so much time to do this, it should be amazingly awesome. It kind of disappointed me though. Some things look sloppy and the layout isn't very original. You geomerged good in most places but some are sloppy. It also looks kind of bland. There aren't that many structures and the structures that are there are unoriginal. Sorry but no DL from me.
great merging and a pretty good layout... you really need to do something about the lack of cover in the middle though. i always get frustrated when i get into a fire fight and there is nothing to hide behind. the merging looks very smooth though and your slanted structure with the wall sticking out of it looks pretty sweet too.... good job and ill hold off on raating this until i see a V2...
This map looks pretty good. You know you're geomerging and interlocking, like in the back hallway with the double box. But as said above there are some sloppy parts to your map. The map also seems kind of open in places like in the 4th and 7th pictures. Other than this it's an okay map. I might download later and do a forge-through. Keep Forging.
if you can geomerge that well, shouldn't you be able to fix those crooked windows? =P everything else looks pretty sharp man. But you might want to add a few more ramps here and there, too much jumping. I like the chopper behind the fence, thats my favorite. I'll download right away!
hey great map.You did very good with the walls in this map,they are so smooth and well interlocked,great map,keep it,it could have a little more in it though
This map looks pretty smoothly forged, especially that lift (was it you that posted somewhere you were workin on an invisible lift? idk i saw someone, and yours is barely visible) and the back alley and slanted box and stuff. I ahve to agree on the other(s) about the lack of cover near the center and around there. It looks well forged though. 4/5
I always knew you could pull off something such as this 4/5 the layout is original and the interlox and geomerging a great! One thing... I have trouble with this too: Cover I know Im not the one to talk but it needs more of it And I know you will snag more downloads then mine KEEP IT UP!
This is the reason this site is getting bad.. People saying downing things about maps. His map is original, please give me a link of a map that looks like this. **** off You got my DL dude. PS: Structures are gonna be "Unoriginal" the ideas are pretty much dead now. Everything pretty much possible has been used.
thanks a lot guys for the comments, but honestly if your going to put bad comments about it maybe you should download it first. I'll try to add more pics, 2morrow so you guys can get better views of it. Once agian thanks
wow i have to admit this is probally the best map ive seen all day. This is the only map i've downloaded from this site in a while and it was awsome. It had some great layout and it seemed fun to play on. i give it a dl and a 5/5
thanks a lot "travishavye" thats the best reply ive had yet. I was rather dissapointed when i noticed this didnt get to good of comments especially when i bet most the people with bad critism didnt even dl the map to get a check on the game play and the map (i thought a rule on here is too dl a map before critism) but i guess that doesn't matter. Not trying to make a conversation in the post travihavye but thanks for the great critism and thanks for adding me on live.
nice geomerging and bases but id like to point out that u geomerged a movable object (gravlift) underneath the map instead of puting it in the fecny area good merging and map
this is a very well put together map, i really like the design. Your very skilled at geomerging. I will defiently download this map because it is one of the better ones i have seen today. From the pictures i have seen this looks like a great competitive map. I give u a 4/5 man great job!
This map is worth my download I really like the layout but you really need 10 players in a party to have a competitive game on this map. Nice use of geo-merging and interlocking. The only thing is that i hate maps with grav hammer ( that's my opinion ). Over all great map!
geomerging takes way too much time and can be frustrating and ultimately it makes you loose time and makes your make half of what it could be. Geomerging is just a bad idea and takes away from the true intention of forge.
the map looks very open in a way. It has long gaps running through the map that lack design and/or structuring. I suggest adding a bit more with what you have left. Also Celcium lacks flow. Most all of the structures need a jump up rather than a staircase or ramp. It breaks the movement of gameplay from circulating throughout the map. You sir, have just failed. Geomerging is not a waste of time. It allows for smoother transitions throughout maps and provides some very new and interesting structures to come alive. Gameplay is always first in any competitive map, and I doubt that you would like it if you had to get a sudden stop while trying to walk up a ramp or even doing several jumps to get to a certain area that is only a box high. Also, taking time into building a map is what its all about. If we all just threw a map together without thinking about the pros and cons, we would end up with another Smashed. Smashed is a perfect example of how much geomerging/interlocking is necessary
Thanks a lot for the comments guys, I appreciate it. @phreakie I know I worked on the map and tested it for countless hours, and there was a problem with the jumping, and I was going to change it but there wasnt much jumping at all that it ruined the map the flow of the map acutally runs a lot better than expected, just saying but your right on it could have used more ramps but I just thought that the jumping wouldnt affect the map at all
I thought the map played pretty good, even being open i like it is, its pretty good, gamplayflow was good could maybe be improved just to make some people happy, but i think its fine. Nice job. I found myself using the structure in pic 1 often, i like it.