I wanted to make a map on Cold Storage. I was looking at a modded map that looked like a graveyard (This map is not modded) and went to setting up one on the Cold Storage canvas. The Humans spawn in the sniper room, where they pick up a Mauler and Carbine (Also there is a flamethrower). They go through the teleporters(*) to a graveyard where there is 4 Firebomb and 2 spike grenades avalible, re spawning every 10 seconds. They must hold the graveyard side, which is easiest. They must hold for 6 Minutes. The zombies also spawn in a room. They spawn in the flood room, where they pick up a custom powerup lasting 10 seconds (To make it so the zombies don;t camp the human teleporter.) then run to their teleporter. The zombie half of the map is protected by shield doors, and has a mancannon avalible after 20 seconds to fly across over the mid-line. 2 points per zombie kill, zombies no shields, infection points is 6. Also, zombies have poor camo. Pictures... Zombie Side Human Side Download Graveyard Download Gametype *If the humans stay in there, the fusion coils explode as one falls from the crack in the ceiling. I blocked off the crack just enough so that the fusion coil falls but you can't shoot it to save yourself. The pictures suck, but give it a chance. It looks alot creepier on the ground.
hey first relpy yea; its a cool map especially since no one forges on cold storage with the lack of objects; keeping that in mind its a good map for infection
hey really fun infection map, and this is very unusual because you don't see very many maps on cold storage,i love it,lol,can't wait to see more maos from you
I'm likin it. Cold Storage is really under-used and you have done a superb job of making a creepy infection version of it. I had contmplated doing this myself, but it looks like you beat me to it. Keep forgin. Will DL.