The New Hawtness Well I saw that nobody has yet posted this update and I thought that the update was pretty important, so I decided to bring the update to you! Link to Bungie Page Click Here The Crypt The Art of Architecture Pictures
How did I know that we were not done with Sandbox's secrets yet. Well that makes three my new favorite number. I can't wait for these maps, and this map specifically. Just three more weeks or so!
Looks Halo 2-ish. I might not get the new DLC this time. I'm pretty much done with Halo 3. Keeping updated with the news, though, in case something changes that makes me want it.
I don't know how those images don't satisfy your halo interests nor. They're quite sexy, and I don't play at all either.
I was thinking that bungie would make a new grifball court in that area. Looking at the picture where its completely empty, dont you think that it would work perfectly for it?
oh crap sorry, can someone have this moved for me >_< I didnt know there was a subforum for sandtrap? If someone could move this though, its appreciated Also I think that this looks very nice, um, it does look halo2 ish but still I like it for some reason