Heroic DLC Road Rage

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by diger44, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Road Rage is a very competitive map with tons of ghosts, weapons, sticks, and fun! It is basically a ghost battling map on foundry with nicely merged and interlocked side-structures, leaving mainly an open-floor layout, perfect for splattering, sticking, and shooting. This map was originally going to be posted in December, but I'm glad I have waited. I wanted to get this map in before sandbox comes out (the rush of sandbox maps may make this map almost invisible).
    You start out standing next to a ghost, weapon(60 sec respawn from start), or equipment. The gametype basically is pistols starting out with grenade regeneration and some various movement\respawn settings to prevent the "Spawn - Die" thing that occasionally happened. There are no spawn points located in the main playing area. The large ramp in the middle is a great spot for lazering, while it has low cover. Some high-traffic areas have fusion coils.
    HONOR RULE: No Shooting out of the ghost!

    This map can be played on forge or the custom gametype I made for it. In the map, you may have noticed the floating teleporter by the back of the map. This is leads to a "safe" room, for being AFK in casual matches. It has fusion coils to kill yourself when you are back from being away. This tele is unreachable via custom games. There is a wall corner prevents 99% of all trick jumps to reach the safe zone.
    Main Playing Area
    Side Area (Door leads to chopper spawn)
    A and B sides.
    Ghost Cave (Bat-Cave nick-named by testers)
    Another overview, the edge can be reached by a geomerged platform
    in which you can reach a floating platform with rockets.
    A small ramp
    Corner Area
    Back Area
    Another ledge
    Main Ramp (another view in the inset)
    Another area
    Ghost Spawn
    Another Area (take jump from the "back area" ramp)
    Teleporter to death pit, avaible in forge only, (see description)
    "Buster: The Magical Floating Dumpster From Hell" (ooooohhhhhh)

  2. KiomCame

    KiomCame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pretty cool, might check it out myself.
  3. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is pretty cool and you have a pretty cool idea. I can see that your interlocking and geomerging skills are definitly good. Only problem is, I think this belongs in the mini game or casual section. I read this and looked at it and it definitly seems to be more of a fun mini game than a competetive game. Other than that, this seems like it could be pretty fun.
  4. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks good, but the empty space would mean any spartan death!
  5. Pomegranate17

    Pomegranate17 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cool idea and nice merging 3/5
  6. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    This map looks amazing. I think you have really accomplished something here. Your interlocking and geomerging is near perfect in my honest opinion. Maybe try to fill out some of that open space, but I think you are trying to just make it fun for the ghosts. However, maybe 1 or 2 ghosts would be fine if you want it to be more competitive. Then just add a laser or a rocket to combat them. The jumps are what really interest me. I'm sure you can get huge air on this. Great map you have here.

    Btw KiomCane, Orange, and Pomegranate... please try to be smarter about your posting. Post more information and some serious thoughts and not just something to increase your rank.
  7. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I helped test. This map really does belong in casual or minigames. Anyway I think the coolest parts of the map are the ramp made of walls and the stair on it's side with a ghost on it, as it looks awesome. It's fun to play on if you respect the honor rule, but it's not competitive. It just gets competitive. I give it a 5/5 as a casual or minigame. 3/5 as competitive.
  8. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice geomerging and interlocking.Will rate,5/5
  9. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    so the people in the vehicles are not aloud to shoot, correct? Good call on the Afk room Btw that was really smart of you. the map looks be-ay-you-tifull and the curved wall looks great. Maybe add a brute shot if you havent, there great fun in these types of games
  10. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Everyone for the downloads and comments! I hope to do a remake on sandbox in a month or two. But for now, this map is my best forged and favorite map that I have made. I thank everyone who has positivly and\or constuctivly critcized this map.
  11. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey nice map. i like the base in the back its very well forged. the front is ok. but there are to many ghosts in the map. its too clustered

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