Map Title: Warlords Symmetrical 2-Base Map for Multi Flag and Neutral Bomb Download Warlords Download Multi Flag WL Download Neutral Bomb WL Description: The first idea for Warlords came from a multiplayer map on the PS2 game Red Faction and soon evolved into something completely different. There is one sniper rifle at each base with 2 clips at 150 spawn, rockets on the center structure with 1 clip and 180 respawn, and br starts. The map is made specifically for Multiflag and Neutral Bomb, however I can create other gametypes as needed if they would play well. Anyways, this map hasn't been tested yet so please let me know if it is escapable or has serious flaws. Thanks A Base B Base Rocket Spawn on center structure and view of middle A Side Snipe Spawn and view of Mongoose Depot. The bases are symmetrical so I will not show the other side. A Side Flag Spawn and Back Start Spawn Camo Spawn and back walls with open boxes for built in cover!
ooooh... very nice, looks clean and looks fun. looks like a good multi-flag or slayer map, great job. Is it compatible with slayer? if not, you should definitly make it for slayer also, that would be fun, it does seem a little open in places, but a couple random boxes would fix that, right? good job *Edit* from the last picture, at the very top right of it, it looks open enough to jump through, and the second picture, near the middle left, just left of the (B) sign, can you jump, or grenade jump) from that double box onto that opening and out of the map, or is the map unbreakable? if that was a confusing question, sorry
Looks great im gonna download it. I love the idea for the mongoose bridge. From initial viewings id give it 8/10 but ill comment back when ive tried it with a few of my buddies.
ok, ill try when i get back from vacation, it just seems from the picture that it is possible to jump through, you could add anything to fix that, you could even put some dumpsters, as long as you cant jump into it, im sure its fine, i was just wondering
This is absolutely an excellent map, simple idea, looks beautiful, in my AI opinion this deserves a future feature. The only critique i can make is the limited ways of accessing the opposite base, maybe there could be a secret tunnel or a high footbridge? No matter, I will definately set this up to download for Shadow's use. Congratulations.
i have fallen in love, it quenches my thirst, i feel like it fits me and my style of play, most featured maps don't (so this deserves to be featured
wow this is a really sweet looking map... i will for sure download... I really like the smoothness of everything, the only thing potentially wrong is the amount of open space on the sides and behind it...
Great This map is great the layout is really smooth and its really fun for capture the flag I wouldn't call the mongoose bridge innovative ive seen it before on a map and it doesnt work very well on this map since you have to drive it on top of the bases. Overall this map is very nice the merging and stuff is flawless and I definetly wanna get some more games going on it. 4.5/5
Ok that scary I had designs for bases nearly exactly like that in the map I was forging...odd 0.o But yeah YOUR map is really most others I love the mongoose bridge and it looks and seems like it flows smoothly. 5
this map looks pretty excellent. it reminds of boarding action in a wierd way. the mongoose jump is innovative. nice. im all about innovating. the overall layout is balanced and the interlox arent very sloppy. nice map. .5456787/.5456789
AI_Twitch, you shouldnt post multiple time on one map thread, just edit your first post. hmm. this map looks pretty good, the vehicle only shield door bridge, while not as"innovative" as they make it sound, as it is used commonly on race maps, is a rarity on a competitive map, kind of refreshing. In my opinion, it should go to a power weapon that is only accesible by going over the bridge in a vehicle though. Anyways, the map itself looks good, nice layout, good interlocking, but from the pics it looks like there is no geo-merging, while that doesn' t break the map, it helps gameplay run smoothly. overall, pretty decent map.