[img width=800 height=450]http://www.forgehub.com/misc/mapimages/dragoncoals/personalimages/horatiogoboom.jpg[/img] We were playing zombies on one of Horatio's maps, and we were the last two left(I think). He goes and gets ready to shoot his SPNKR when I 'accidentally' move in front of him and he kills himself, then I get mobbed by swords. Post yours.
I not sure, but I think thats Lintendo 64. He got recon for his map, The Great Wall. But Idk what armor that elite is wearing.
Jesus christ. Recon armor AND some super Elite armor? You guys are just TOO COOL. How did you get your Elite's legs/feet like that? And is that actually Lintendo?
well, idk if its Lintendo or not, but hes one of the few that actually have that helmet, and earlier I was browsing the members, and I was surprised to see Lintendo as one of them. It might be him...or maybe an imposter!!!
It says it one of Horatio's maps... He has recon. But I'm not totally sure that would be ironic, but more total hilarity.
Yea, Im leaning towards hilarity aswell, not too much irony in blowing up yourself and your friend getting clobbered by zombies...and btw, Im sorta new, whos Horatio?
Oh, that would make more sense. I guess we'll just have to wait until Dragoncoals tells us who it is.
Yea...now I feel stupid. Thanks for pointing that out Fbu. Altough I still want to know what the elite armor is.
Commando armor is possibly the coolest Elite armor, the shoulders are the best with the Combat ones right behind, too bad the unlock or them was bugged. I want my Commando shoulders ...
Horatio works for MS The elite head is Commando, and I WILL NOT tell you what leg armour I am wearing. the explosion didnt kill me cause team killing was off.
Yeah I didn't think you could get leg armor, but his legs just look different is all. And a microsoft guy came to last week's games? Man, I am so out of the loop.