HAX what im more concerned about is how did he get the passenger warthog in a multiplayer level ??? i must know teh hax
He put a turret to the fence, got in it, could move around, got the hog in, drove it for 3 seconds, then it explodes or disappears.
Actually I dont believe you can drive it right away. First you must get over the fence, easily done using a turret or receiver node. Once you're over (Notice you cant drive it yet, dont believe me? Try it!) spawn a crate and immediately put a crate ontop of it. The bottom one should despawn and the tops should fall on the ground. Hopefully, if you did it correctly you can stand on the new crate without dying. Spawn a Rocket Launcher and destroy the Group hog. Now wait. And I mean WAIT. A good ten minutes and the hog should respawn. You can now drive it, but for a limited time before you die. THIS PART I HAVE NOT YET TESTED: I am just guessing that hopefully that you can become a forge monitor and pick up the group hog to set it in the map. AGAIN, I HAVE NOT YET TESTED IF YOU CAN TAKE IT OVER THE FENCE.
Mabey instead of driving it he could of picked it up. Lol this is awsome@!!!@@@#, o wait thats what orange said oh well im doing it.
HighImpactHalo has been working on getting that hog into the pit since launch. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they suceeded finally.
The only place the Transport Hog is readily available is in Campaign, how would blue Hyabusa spartan make it into a transport hog in Campaign. I'm tellin you it's probably HighImpactHalo's shenanigans, they somehow manage to accomplish anything.
Old news...all you do is blow it up, wait for it to respawn, then send it over the fence however you can.
I've done this before... picture proof (This is actually my friends fileshare, but i did it with him later that day) video tut
This man speaks almost troof It was done a couple of weeks ago. Grav lifts were used after it respawned as drivable. It had to be lifted up into over the fence and into the roof, then painstakingly glitched through the map's invisible ceiling into the Pit itself. I think all told it took about 30 minutes after he'd figured it out. Links are on HiH and YouTube. Not possible outside of Forge and as soon as you leave the TT hog it will basically despawn, or become undrivable or something (I forget which). B
http://highimpacthalo.org/forum/showthread.php?t=37185&highlight=transport+inside This is a few weeks old.
I saw this like a month ago. Pretty old by any standards. But some people are seriously on other forums say "T0tally haxorz!!!111"