I was looking at my friends list one day and saw that all of my friends playing Fallout 3 were good. I wanted to know what you play as, Good or Evil and it doesn't have to be Fallout 3 it can be any game with a moral system like Fable. Me I'm always evil because I get a kick out of it.
I'm always good. There are always better perks for being good. Such as, people don't kill you when you are just ****ing walking around. Lol.
Good point, The only time I was ever good was in Fable 2 on my second playthrough but that was just so I could get more money.
Yeah, I play on good. usually, unless I just save right before I go into a town, and just start killing a town, for the hell of it, to see what weapons/items I can get. Oh, and Dizfunky, there was a glitch on your name on ma friends list, it said fizfunky, it was wierd. cause I went back to the game, and then pressed xbox guide again, and the F was replaced by a D again
in most video games good = small amount of good stuff and little money bad = large amount of average stuff and huge amount of money
In Fable the first one, I was evil and my brother was good. I would get attacked, but I could kill anyone with one hit. In Fable 2 I started out evil, then i got bored so i became super good later, then i became neutral helping and killing people. In KotOR I was also evil, it was very funny, but some of the actions were very very evil i actually felt kind of bad.
I am usually the evil guy. You know how the good guy always wins. I sometimes hope that the bad guy will win. So i sort of well rig it!
Ya bad try to be good then you go on one or two killing sprees in oblivion and suddenly like the remaning 1/3 of the population hates you and I mean one third I killed like 1000s of people most of the majors cities looked like some horrible masicar.
I always try to take the good path in games. You might call it boring, but it's true to my personality and has some great bonuses! (Not getting shot on sight, people volluntarily give you things, etc)
Played through once as good, once as bad, and i must say, being bad has some good perks. You get a lot more money. This is waht i would do.... I would wait until stores are closed, brake into them, then steal everything, then sell what i didn't need to another store, then i would just kill the shop keeper, and steal even more. Being bad results in A LOT of stealing.
One of my Favorite Evil Careers is an assassin. Seriously you get to sneak around, take ****, kill people and get in no trouble. Who wouldn't want to do that.
Im the most evil you can get in fallout 3 level 20 Scourge of Humanity I did it for the power,caps,weapons,armor,ammo,apartment if i didnt do that stuff I wouldnt have enough things to go in the wasteland besides I dont want to spend caps on a merchant or scavenger when I could just kill them and take their stuff. And I love using my stealth suit and blackhawk(44. magnum) to kill people who get in my way or I dont feel like spending caps on. The only good thing I did was exterminating Paridise Falls and releasing slaves,and killing allistar tenpenny it was fun.
I usually end up neutral as the good is too good and the evil is too evil. For example, after doing a quest, I want as much money as I can get and when they start getting all, "I'm too poor." I still get as much money as I can get. After all, I just did a huge amount for it, I deserve it! Or, in the evil case, it affects me in the future. I didn't blow up Megaton because the house is useful and in a nice location or in Fable 2, you get a nicer looking area in Bowerstone. I just can't stick to a certain path.