To be honest Diz it seems like the past bit you have been throwing sigs at us like crazy and there just not as good as some of your other work. These are meh to me. I think you should just slow down. Quality Over Quantity Always.
QFT Its definitely noticeable, because you normally make some pretty epic sigs, but its just as of recent, your sigs have been LQ compared to your better ones.
I kinda idea-ripped from one of Chief's PSDs on planetrenders, but that's what they are there for, right? (best viewed on dark skin) I think I'm slowly crawling out of my slump.
Diz, I think you're finally getting back to your regular awesome self. Slowly, but you're still moving. Lol.
lol I love how like every reply Diz has has a new sig. But this Dead Space is cool. Diz went into a slump and now Diz is crawling back out.