Cyborg Tomb - Updated I took this during a Custom Match, thought it went with the title and looked pretty awesome. I did take a better one but it's not appearing on for some reason, if it does I'll put it with this thread. **Image is now working** 1 Bungie Link 2 Bungie Link Rate/Opinions?
The title really caught my attention but the screenshot did not. The screenshot suits the title though. If maybe there was more bodies or if there was a certain effect, if might have made the screenshot better. 2/5
The regin is ruining the pic for me, I've never seen this place and the name fits.So over all I think its worth 3/5 I hope you get the better 1 working I would like to see it.
Yay Ok I uploaded the pic to my Fileshare and linked it from there, it's the 1st one, looking at it now it's not really that great but oh well, enjoy and comment anyhow!