I have made a total of 13 racetracks, an I have ran out of ideas for racetracks. I was wondering if anyone has a unique idea for a racetrack on avalanche or foundry. That is possible, No loops or anything like that.
dual lanes would be cool like intertwining and then come back to their side, kinda a like a dual roller coaster if you've ever played roller coaster tycoon
instead of twistingt up and down over eachother merge 2 difrent 2x wide lanes like think of a DNA band or a flat chain
or having multiple roads that were the same length, and they have different things... idk... or a maze
Remake snowball valley from diddy kong racing That track was the **** and I'm pretty sure it would be possible to recreate all the hazards and such in foundry.
Try a corkscrew, or as someone above stated, dual lanes that possibly meet on occasion. I'd like to see obstacles but not just ones that sway your vehicles, ones that'll make the track harder. Umm... a giant hill that would normally be impossible to traverse but add grav lifts to help you. Create rings with VIP go-to areas in them and have ramps that launch you though them to score points, like a freestyle.
Try to remake Drift Rider on avalanche. That would be pretty cool concidering the fact that the map itself is cool
Three of my maps have a spiral on it. I have alright made a map with some of drift riders parts in it. I trying to thing of something that has never been done before but nothing like a loop.
Hello Kona, long time no talk. It was nice to play with you today. I enjoy the ideas stated above as two tracks that intertwine here and there, promoting collisions. What if you had a simple figure 8 track, and where the cross in the middle came to a 4 way jump. Another thing that needs to be innovated into the Halo 3 racetrack society is curved lanes. This would change the racetrack the way the double widthed lane did. The reason for this is that when you go too fast, the set angle may be too low, but when you are traveling too slow, it is less successful to ride. Now some may say that this would make the ride easy, which to them is a bad thing. These people should go further back in innovations to the single width lane maps, because those are even harder. I will compute a map design soon, it will take a while for my systems to process. Love, Twitch
Meaning you have done a loop or it can't be done? because it can. Ideas....big ramp or sumting... i'm not very keen on race maps