Re: Global Warming (Moved from General Chat) I am slowly installing LED's into my house, they last 50x longer and use so little energy they don't get hot at all. They even glow for half an hour after you turn off the power... They are 10x the price, but it's a saving. I agree that these small changes, using reusable bags, changing light bulbs, insulating your houses better etc, can have a great impact and are worth promoting as they are very acceptable to the public.
Re: Global Warming (Moved from General Chat) I never really thought of using LEDs, aren't they those little lights that people use for things like scrolling bars of them that spell out messages. Do they come in bigger sizes. It would be a little annoying to have the lights on after you turn them off. CFLs cost more too, but the savings end up being worth it in the end, you can save up to $20 a year on your electric bills per bulb.
Re: Global Warming (Moved from General Chat) This was true back in the 50s before sattelite technology was used to observe weather... however, since its implementation, there is actually a very small margin of error.
Re: Global Warming (Moved from General Chat) They are small but you get compound bulbs with lots of them in and they are quite bright - not as bright as halogens but that's unecessary unless you need spot lighting. They don't illuminate after you turn them off, just glow inside the bulb. It actually looks pretty cool.
Re: Global Warming (Moved from General Chat) Yay, so it's like a night light, so they protect me from the boogie man =0. jk Also, how much do LEDs cost?
Re: Global Warming (Moved from General Chat) I'm sorry I did not fully articulate my point. The beauty of capitalism is its way of adapting itself to the world. As oil prices become higher other more environmental options will become economically feasible. Then I will be all for environmentally friendly products. Where are you getting your data? As I said even the IPCC admits their large margin, they say so clearly on their website.
Re: Global Warming (Moved from General Chat) IPCC Mandate: "The IPCC was established to provide the decision-makers and others interested in climate change with an objective source of information about climate change. The IPCC does not conduct any research nor does it monitor climate related data or parameters. Its role is to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the latest scientific, technical and socio-economic literature produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change, its observed and projected impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. IPCC reports should be neutral with respect to policy, although they need to deal objectively with policy relevant scientific, technical and socio economic factors. They should be of high scientific and technical standards, and aim to reflect a range of views, expertise and wide geographical coverage." What margin of error statement are you referring to? Could you link it for me, please? Sorry, I'm just confused. They do not even do any research, they simply compile and publish works regarding the matter.
Moved back to general chat. Just because members don't have 100 posts doesn't mean they can't contribute.
I think it should be kept in premium members, because the amount of spam and pointless posts started to go down once in was put in premium members, but that's just my opinion.
In a perfect world we would be able to let every intellegent person discuss the topic in a civilized manner, however this world is not perfect and the thread will die in the general chat forums as it almost did before. In the pursuit of allowing the most members that have good contributes to share them we must choose the lesser of two evils and bar one or two good discussionists for seeing it. In the end when it does die all that will end up happening is I will be forced to repost it in the Premium forums, please spare me that. Ohh and the IPCC thingy is Here its number 10
He wants it in the Premium section, simply because of spam. If there is anymore, I will move it back to the Premium section. (Unless it is a premium member, then it will stay in the public)
It will stay regardless of spam. Spam is discouraged and a warn-able offense. It does not mean we should move it to another forum. That is not a moderator guideline.
So your saying that we should abandon the pursuit of intellegent ideas in favor of allowing a few otherwise neglected people to post? I understand you're trying to help Nitrous, and I really do hope that it can stay in these forums, however i doubt that it can and will simply die again, as you can see posts have gone down. Now that cannot be fully attributed to the fact that it is in general but more people did post when it was in Premium. So I really do hope it works, maybe this discussion will scare of the spam, but in the end if your intent is to allow free thought in the end you will only be stifling it.
I moved it last night at 10:00 pm CST. You just posted at 3:21 pm CST. That a nights sleep and a day at school. People aren't post because they lack the ability to at those moments in time. Moving it to premium would only reduce the amount of people available to see it. If your wanting posts it remains here. If you want intelligent posts it remains here. The fact is reducing the amount of the population allowed to see it will not only reduce the amount of dumb people who will comment. It also reduces people who have the ability to debate this point, but do not spam the forums like most premiums. This is not negotiable, debatable, or arguable. To go further into detail: No, continue your pursuit with everyone else. What makes you special? Post count? Already addressed, didn't want to break up the flow of your post. Yeah that made sense. Giving everyone the ability to post will lead to everyone lacking the ability to post. I am not the government. I am the admin. Censorship can reign supreme on these forums as easily as freedom of speech. Spam can be deleted.
I could present an argument, but I find that it would not change your mind, it shall either prosper here as you said or die, as I said before I hope people are mature enough and it can stay, or that maybe this will scare off spammers, but am not optimistic about it. Either way I'm prepared for the worst. However this bothers me, because while you may choose to keep it here I have no idea how you have the nerve to say that I cannot state my opinion. You who says your trying to protect others rights to theirs disregards mine, Freedom of speech does not simply apply to the spoken language and I am personally insulted and offended that you would deny me or anyone the right to petition against a decision you made, there is a right for that one too. I don't care whether you are American, British, Chinese, Indian or anything else. no decision is or should be final, once again I don't see how you dare to say your opinion takes precedence over mine based solely on that it is your opinion However I will drop it becuase what will happen will happen in the end I will benifit either way--if it thrives here I get a larger base of information and debate, if not I'll repost in premium and have the history to back up my opinion. Back on Topic, I wrote a paper about this and would like it if someone(s) would review it, I don't want arguments as to why it is false simply flow, grammar, word placement, etc. However if you read it and find a fact you can prove to be false I will gladly review. Nitrous I apologize if I crossed any lined but I have to put up with people that believe that authority rules simply becuase it is authority, and I do not feel I need to deal with it in a board where free discussion is supposed to be allowed.
No by all means voice your opinion. The outcome won't change because the arguement you have presented retains no value to me what so ever. You need to understand that premiums are exactly the same as regualar members. Your are treating non-premiums like second class citizens. They lack the ability to reason, to care, or to LEARN. Your preaching the concept that everyone's voice matters... ...yet you want to remove the general publics voice for your own self-gratification.
Please, do me a favor, if you haven't already go back read the thread, look at the spam and repetition of useless points. This is the last post I make on the matter, you are not open to alternative opinions and I cannot overcome your bias. Please so that our own discussion does not kill the thread delete this post and all of them dating back to orange's, as his might scare spam away (except the post about the letter). I am sad for this dictatorship, as you the one who says I belittle are doing much of the belittling yourself. That is all, say you win, or that I am wrong it doesn't matter, just please delete the posts so It may continue hopefully in the right direction as it has.
Re: Global Warming (Moved from General Chat) Not disagreeing with your point, just looking at the social aspects, but doesnt that mean if you wanna go to bed you have to turn them off half an hour earlier. In my house we use energy saving lightbulbs, that take like half an hour to heat up, and even then arnt that bright. But its ok.