Well, the title told you the basic happening. Because I had to download the NXE, all of my achievements for Bioshock and COD: WaW are now gone. Here's how it happened: For some reason, my network adapter wasn't working for months. even so, I still had Bioshock campaign to complete and COD:WaW **** zombie mode to keep me happy. Over the course of about 3-4 months, I had racked up quite a nice collection of achievments from these 2 games, including some extremely hard to get ones. One of the achievements i lost from COD:WaW was Killers Economy or something like that. To get it, you must kill 3 enemies in the campaign with 1 bullet. This was immensely difficult to get, especially with Russian weapons. Anyway, When i got my adapter fixed and downloaded the NXE, it said I had to recover my XBL profile. No problem, I thought. Then, to my great horror, I went to look at my achievements (I've been playing Halo 2 vista, and ave like 600 points from it), and all of my Bioshock and COD:WaW ones were gone. Now with COD:WaW, I can just go back and re-do all the levels. But with Bioshock, where most of the achievments are required to do to get through the campaign anyways, I would have to go back and do the entire game from the start. However, this might be good. Now I can go back and rescue the little sisters i couldn't find . I must have had at least another 250-400 gamerpoints on them, and the stupid NXE ruined it all. The Bioshock achievments, as I said, are almost all required anyway. But the COD:WaW acievments are very hard to get, especially since there might now be some glitch preventing me from getting them all again (I'm talking about an achievment that requires you to have won all the battles on the Russian front. Since my campaign is done already, this might be glitched and unable to recover. it makes sense). So, What do you guys think? Should I sue Microsoft for 500 gamerpoints? If you actually thought I was serious about sueing Microsoft, please proceed to facepalm yourself until your nose is broken. Have a nice day.
Microsoft did not steal anything from you. It clearly says that when recovering your gamertag elsewhere, in your case your computer, that achievements earned on the offline account will be lost once recovered on that platform. This has never happened to me because I actually read the fine print.
ummm....no. i recovered it from the xbox, not the computer. i still have my halo 2 vista achievements, its just my bioshock and cod 5 that i now have to go back and do all over
Were you offline when you did all of those achievements? Thats, all I can really think of. Becuase when you recover your gametag back, they will not appear as done, I think. Also the 'Rough Economy' achievement is incredibly easy to do. Sniper, on Vendetta last part of the level - 3 soldiers all next to eachother down below, just snipe them from the side. Sueing Microsoft for 500GS is a little bit too much (I only just saw that extra note, haha), it was probably a glitch or your fault in some way. It isn't everyday that achievements disappear.
it wasnt a glitch or my fault. when i recovered it i had been offline for several months, which i already stated
Achievements that you gain offline do not register to when you sign back online, so should have really checked up on Xbox Lives specifications. I'm pretty much sure that was the problem here, it looks like you're gunna have to do it all over again to get them back... sorry man =(
No offline achievements count, this is something else. That's a bummer for you, but I had it worse. I played free XBL for the month, recovered at a friends house, went and got about 2500 gamerscore without recovering my gamertag, and I lost it all. It happens when your account isn't recovered for live on your box when you get the achievements, NXE had nothing to do with it, it was merely a coincidence.
why is there even a thread every everyone is right it happened to me. but you just keep saying they are wrong which must mean your right.. your not it isn't NXE because it happened to me a month before it arrived.
omg. i have had my account offline before, and it never happened.in fact, i should still have my rainbow six vegas 2 achievements, even though i was offline for most of them. but when i got back online, it updated. when i had to update nxe, it said i had to recover my GT. i hve never used my GT anywhere else. ever. ever ever ever. i had to re-recover it when i downloaded NXE, and it said i might lose my achievements. i was scared that might happen, but i had no choice. they still stole more than 300 gamerscore from me.
This doesn't make any sense because I played FN3 and Skate2 when my imternet was down, got achievements, and when I got my Internet back I sign on Live and I got all my GP.
but if you didn't have to download NXE, then thats why. when i downloaded NXE i had to recover my account again. ten i lost achievemens.
He's right guys. This happened for me and Dead Rising. I got most of the achievables back but some have permanantly locked. Everyone who has played Dead Rising has the "Freefall" achievement, right? Not me :/