T E R M I T E S on O L ' F L O O R Termites is the follow up to my first mini game; Purple Bunker. Termites is a distant cousin of the hit mini game; Hobo Heights. The map is for 4 - 8 players. You've been captured by the evil guys' and placed in a room where you are to meet your death. Unlucky for you they've put you on a wooden floor with flesh eating termites under you. Your only hope for survival is to jump from pallet to pallet hoping not to get slashed in pieces. The Termites were injected with formula 5634 witch makes them able jump to extraordinary heights but makes their life time; 4 minuets long. So in order to survive you must last 4 long minuets. T E R M I T E S ! The Termites are the enemy in the game, love them or hate them, their there. You need to be able to able to move quickly to avoid them. They have 50% gravity and they are equipped with a energy sword. They can shatter a pallet in a single swipe, but it takes up to 2 hits to kill you. 25% of the players will start as a termite, once you are killed by the termites you become one. They eat your corpse and re-inhabit it. H U M A N S ! When you were captured you were drugged and you now do zero damage, your only hope for survival is to last the 5 minuets. You can jump at a normal height of 100% and run at a speed of 100%. You are equipped with a pistol, and that's it. You have no forced color. T E R M I T E STRATEGY'S Being a Termite is not as easy as it looks, you need to use a great deal of strategy to get the Humans. You can jump just high enough to hit the pallets but you can't get on top of them, at the bottom of the pit you will find a ledge on a 25 degree angle. Using it gives you a bit more height to your jump. There are 4 of these ledges located at all the corners of the pit. When jumping on them it forces the humans to get out of the corners and head the the un-safe center. The center is not supported as well as the perimeter of the boards are. H U M A N STRATEGY'S Humans are hard to play, with experience you will win with no problem at all. Like I said before, corners and the middle is un-safe. If you stand in one spot to long you'll get seen by the Termites trough the floor boards. In order to survive you must keep moving. I recommend going in a counter clock wise or a clock wise motion around the perimeter of the map, simply just don't stop moving. M A P H I S T O R Y Map concepts like this have been done to death, but since I played my Retro TGIF a few weeks back I've wanted to re-make a mini-game. I really liked Hobo Heights by TrueDarkFusion. I wanted to make it again but in a different way. I wanted to do something new, but still maintaining the TGIF feel. A few weeks ago I joined up with my friend Hasty 88 who was playing a game called "Termites" It was different than mine, his was more of a shooting game, with fire bombs and more things. Upon his permission, I set out to make my own version of this. I worked diligently on a map, tweaking trough frustration to get things to fit and look nice. Originally this was a completely different game, after testing I wasn't satisfied. So I hit the drawing board and started again. I changed many things and then returned to the testing field. I was finally happy with my work and added on to it. After testing, I knew it was done. T H E G A M E In case you didn't figure it out from my ingenues story; the game is simple. For Humans, simply Survive. For Termites, kill. But I'm going to explain it in a little more detail. Termite Traits: 50% Gravity Energy Sword 100% Speed Color = Brown 100% Damage No Shields Unlimited ammo No Radar. Human Traits: 100% Gravity Pistol 100% Speed No Color 0% Damage No Shields Unlimited ammo. No Radar 200% Damage Resistance. Point System; You earn points by; Termite Kill = -1 point Last Man = 6 points Kill as Termite = 1 Point Special Thanks to: I'd like to thank all of the testers for all there feedback, support and playing. You all helped my quite a bit. I'd also like to thank TrueDarkFusion for making Hobo Heights, and Hasty 88 for the Termite Idea. Finally; Camoflaug for taking all the screen shots and running testing sessions for me. V I D E O: The video features the song "Burn Fire Water" by The Bloodhound Gang. It explains the map and how it's played, It also shows off it's assets. Unfortunately, due to some technical difficulty's it will be delayed for a few hours. Download Hardwood Floor Here Download Termites Here
Huh, it only makes sense for a map like this to come out, too bad it took so long. I don't usually post in the maps section (post seriously, that is), but I felt that I needed to say this: The idea of replacing the splazer with a sword, should have happened...oh...right around the time Foundry came out. Great job either way Blood.
Ok i would like to start off with the best approach possible.. This is epic winsauce. Why? The Aesthetics: First of the template of the map is incredibly made as well as the game type itself, It is set to be a tight fit into this conical/spherical shape and is . It seems like it took you a while, even though you told me it took you a while.. but whatever. Rating: 5/5 The Gameplay: The play of the map and the game type that goes extremely well with it, might i add. At the beginning you are (as human) too make sure you aren't thrown into the dark, empty lair of the termites doom, when you see a fellow companion fall to their eventual despair, your adrenaline starts pumping. You do definitely want to be the last one alive to witness the heroic termites trials of failing to capture your soul. As a termite, you want to destroy every human possible. As long as there is human blood on every inch of your energy sword, you are completely fine with it. As you try to deem the humans inevitably forsaken to "the hardwoods" and their numbers dwindle, you can then and only then become a human. It can get kind of dull but not to the point of where you want to quit. It makes you want to keep at it to make it more exciting. Rating: 4.5/5 Overall Rating: 4.7/5
This is good but i think since you know what your doing that you would of made this even more orginal by adding fancy things like ceiling lights and other fanciness since this is just a basic idea. But with what you did it was great. The main thing is that you had a good idea and executed it well When i get my box back i will play this for sure.
Love it. Despite the matching concept of another termites map, it's great. It looks much better than the other one, and there aren't really any little bumps, so the only problems with the map are the slight unoriginality. Overall, 4/5 (-.5 for unoriginality, -.5 for smaller size than other one) Edit: the concept was something about termites, but the name wasn't...whoops.
After reading bobguy's post, I searched "Termites," they are nothing alike. You're clear on the "originality" factor, regardless of this being a spoof of Hobo Heights.
I think its just like hobo heights. Its kind of like a remix however, not very original but its the gameplay that matters.
I really really wish people would learn how to read entire posts, not just sections. As for the Termite name, you people need to stop freaking out over maps with the same name and just try playing them. That one guy said that I copied the other map because it had the same name. You people need to stop focusing on one object, and rather focus on all of them and your surroundings.
People mainly focus on the title, author's name, and then skip down to pictures. I believe thats why people gather up so many infraction from map posts.
My post was not directed at you in any way Tex, so far you and Shedo have seem to be the only ones who are mature enough to actually read the post instead of just look at the pictures.
It looks like a pretty good map, but it sounds way to repetitive for me. Try adding some kind of twist, like you still get back up if you fall or there is some way to kill the termites.
As he mentioned in the post this concept has been done to death but what most of you don't seem to know is there was an additional version of this map other than hobo heights and what he has described of his friend's version. That version of the map just happens to be nearly identical and has been circulating in the customs community since the beginning of the summer, with the same name. The only difference is there is random weapon spawn for the zombie and it's not forged as well. I don't think it was ever posted but I believe it's to what he is referring to.
I simply love this creation. I played something like this before in a custom game but I think the person under had a laser. The game was really well planned. You gave the termites the exact amount of gravity to slice through those pallets. This really looks like a fun mini-game and is perfect for TGIF. Great job.
I have played a version of this, is this that one map that was made a long time ok (<--JK, Jk dude) Umm, this looks to be fun, I enjoyed hobo heights alot, although the laser lagged alot. Maybe the swords will less. So, how far up are the humans?? Zombie has high jump Im guessing. My favorite thing to do when I was human, in a game like hobo heights was to jump down and try to assasinate the zombie. Will DL for the fun!!
What map isnt too repetitive? I am trying to stay as mature as possible with these people but im close to losing it, ha. And thank you Blood.
Now that I think about it, I do believe I recall testing a map similar (but not the same, so dun wory gai, it r gun b k) to this. It was with invis swords on the ground, and little spaces in between each of the pallets. The people above had lower gravity, and had to jump to and from each of the pallets whilst remaining unscathed. It's a pretty fun game, so I imagine this can't be too far off. edit: the map I'm talking about, I think was done by either: A)Running Chron B)Projectt2501 C)Asper49 D)AZN FTW Not ****ing sure which one though...That was so long ago...