hey guys, ive been trying to make a target practice map and i cant figure out how to make fusion coils spawn at certain times, ex. i shot one, then exactly after that another one spawns, please help! (ps i tryed looking at other target practice maps and it didnt work)
place as many on the map as you need, then set place at start to no and respawn 180 seconds for all. then press x twice on the fusion coil and have run time max set to one. as soon as one of the fusion coils is shot another will spwan hope it works.
that means they'll instantly spawn.. thats not what im trying to do.. im trying to make one individually spawn, then another will spawn after that one is destroyed ALSO i tryed doing that, but it didnt work, with the 180 second thing and placing them so they dont spawn as soon as i start, BUT the first one i placed only spawned instantly and i just gave up in other words only one spawned
Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. You could set them all not to start at spawn. Then set there respawn times different. 2 could be 10s and 2 could be 20s. Or however many you want. After you shoot one, it will respawn at that set time. That is the best idea I have.
Set run-time maximum to the highest number you can, run-time minimum to 1. All not spawn at start. That way as soon as one explodes, there are 0 on the map and the game will spawn one to satisfy that run-time minimum of 1.