EXCAVATION MAP PACK!!!! Excavation GN: Good reviews so far on default map Guardian. Link: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=66044855 Excavation ISN: Just recently made not sure how well it will play so i'm hoping for the best. Applied some new tricks i've recently discovered on the default map Isolation. (Has interlockz?!) Link: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=66044906 Gametype: A strategic game where if you don't work together and your opponets do your lives will be short lived. Humans start out with magnums and sheilds regenerate REALLY slowly so try to find the regenerators around the map. Everything is on a high respond time so limit your ammo use! Lot's of cover so hide when your health is low. There's always a safe room so zombies make sure the humans don't all get there or else your victory will be quite difficult to obtain. On Excavation GN the saferoom is a little farther away but there's only one entrance unless the humans find themselves accidently going through the gravity lifts. On isolation there is more human roaming room and the saferoom is a little close however they must sacrifice their safty for better guns and health packs (regenerators) hidden around the map. Ammo is limited but dual SMGs seem to work the best if you conserve ammunition. Link: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=66044838 Weapons on each map: Battle Rifles (immune to headshots so ment for accuarate suppressive fire) Assault Rifles SMGs Magnums Spike Grenades Flame Grenades Shotguns (low ammo and not as overpowering as you might think) Sniper Rifle (low ammo and high respond time but valuable if you can quickscope or no scope well) Regenerators And Probably something else i'm forgeting.. Side Notes: The zombies ARE immune to headshots to limit the power of the BR. Humans start out with magnums. Killing zombies give you no points due to the ridiculous amounts of zombies humans will kill if skilled. Last man 3 pts and killing humans is 3 or 5 pts. Zombies are weak, but not too weak if two zombies attack at the same time the single human is screwed so each team needs to stick in groups. Two slashes from the zombies and your dead so zombies try to pound them again before their sheilds recharge. Thanks have fun! Excavation GN Pics: Central Overview Human Start Typical Saferoom Way Humans Walk Only Entrance into Saferoom Saferoom Where you Hold Out Way Zombies think they can get it but can't.. Excavation GN Link Again: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=66044855 Excavation ISN Pics: Human Start (Next to drop pods there's weapons) My message/advice.. Zombie Start My weapon holder inside flood pimple thingy? Saferoom Overview of top *Note* Other base is not accessable i think.. If you can get in tell me and i'll fix it. Excavation ISN Link Again: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=66044906 All links again if you missed any of them.. Excavation GN: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=66044855 Excavation ISN: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=66044906 Excavation Gametype: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=66044838 Final Note: This is my first map i have posted on forgehub so go easy please. I will also start posting new maps soon. Also my pics can't get any larger for some reason =S
dude im thinking that the guardian map would b sweet. i always liked playing there, u could even put a small floating platform or somethin. for the isolation. always bad, humans always win if they're smart. they either go into the room or up in the trees like cats meow u know wut i mean. the gametype could fix it, it looks promising tho, nice job also, u have to use the big pics, not the thumbnails from photobucket or imageshack
I've tested both and you're right the isolation one is the weaker link out of the two. but so far no one has survived on isolation so you might be proven inccorect. Working on bigger pics right now..
wow for once i actually see a decent map on isolation nice job most really suck but yours is better. nice job DL
Hey its just like those two maps with boxes all over it but ,i give you credit,those are the hardest two maps to make a map on,good job
I take it you are Udigme3, correct? Anyway, this was great fun when I played it. Guardian is by far the better of the two. Cheers! Desert Rat 852
Yes it is me Udigme3, and as many have said before you the guardian one is far more supperior than the isolation one. I gave up gameplay for mechanics in that one. Also i took more time to blanance out weapons and things in Excavation GN. Cheers!
Just out of curiosity, have you tried this(Excavation)on a different map, such as Construct or the failcopter Avalanche version? P.S. Failcopter is lolfail.
Avalanche is DLC which i'm trying to honestly avoid. On construct i might try. P.S i accidently deleted failcopter =S but i still got teh pics =o
Umm not at all they are altered versions of the maps just like every other map made in forge. The boxes provide cover and scary zombie ambush spots. Sorry for bumping just forgot to answer him..