well some people on this site are considered to be "grown up" I dunno what i want to do. WoW.. that's a career... right?
I'm heading down the Economist path at the moment. I'm still relatively young so my viewpoint may still change though. I love learning about the economy (it's a new subject this year for me), I like maths and am quite good at ICT, so it all fits hand in hand nicely. Economics is a cool subject because it is always changing and however boring it may sound, I find it interesting.
"I don't ever~ wanna grow up!" Actually, I want to be an artist. I just don't know what kind yet. (I excel in every art I know) But I might be something else. A lot of the stories I write people complement too. So maybe my dream job will have something to do with that.
There already is a thread called Future Careers with the same exact concept as this thread there doesn't need to be two. But otherwise Graphic Artist or get into Video Production.
Actually, someone was asking about ideas for his career, It may have sort have turned into one though. It's intelligent conversation though I suppose, so why bring it down? =D
thank you, this is one of my few normal threads in a while I've always wanted to be a dermatologist since i needed my own. They seem a lot "cooler" than normal check up doctors, and they get paid very well but im also interested in cooking, so im torn between dermatology or cooking but most likely im going to be a dermatologist
Spammy On Topic: I would like to be an architect or a director. My passion is to make movies but my realistic job would be an architect.
I'm thinking I'd like to be a chemical engineer, but I'm not sure. Although I'll definitely study somewhere in the field of chemistry.
I'm about to enter that realm of deciding what I'm going to do for the rest of my life. I'm thinking about majoring in economics, political science, history, or some other science. So maybe businessman or government official? idk.
Professional musician, Movie director, Script writer (All fields of media), Editor (All fields of media), Cameraman, Photographer, Teacher, Video game designer, 3D animator, Architect, Concept artist. Can't decide. I'm not limited to this list either.
My dream job is to be a professional guitarist but the job i will be is.... A waterproofer in my brothers company sadface : [ but then. after he makes his clothing company and then if he retires i'm next in line because i swapped his daughter my ice-cream to be next in line : ] i'm soooooooo smart
Awwe, don't put yourself down like that... if you want to be a professional guitarist, work your ass off and take it. Don't settle for waterproofing, especially if that's not what you want to be. seriously, the only one keeping you from your goal is you.