This is not a fat kid map, the alpha zombie does not have 2000 dmg resistance. Alpha zombie spawns underneath the humans to give him a chanse to kill the humans. Cuz the alpha has 110% movement. And he have like 3 overshields and 500 dmg resistance. And the zombiez have like 500dmg resistance and 1 shield, and 200 movement. Its not to unfair right? Actually the zombies is like to powerfull, and i forget to say about that shield doors spawns over time This is my map Rankebab v4. Its an infection map, and make sure the zombiez have alot of HP. Heres som pics: THOOSE SHIELD DOORS SPAWNS OVER TIME TO MAKE IT HARDER FOR THE HUMANS Made by Magmat6
u have to use the code on the picture site copy those and paste them into ur post i did check out the pics that have the link tho and it seems that it is VERY overpowered for humans and also a very small map... and no1 likes armories of snipers and weapons sitting in one spot and i would also put the boxes so that the bottom faces up (it looks neater to the eyes of the forgers around here) but u obvioulsy no wat ur doin in forge so i hope to see more from u
The forging itself seems neat, but I think the humans are too powerful compared to the zombies (whats a 'lot of HP'?). I haven't played it though, so I'll just have to see it for myself.
never make a zombie map where the zombies walk along a norrow path towards humans who have a power weapon armory and infinite ammo turrets. the humans may feel safe, but i guarrentee as soon as people become zombies they will quit. try making a zombie map with more than one path, would be better if they came from all directionns.
Great another fat-kid-kills-humans-&-become-weak-zombies-that-die-in-one-hit-against-humans-with-every-single-weapon-on-the-map-with-infinite-ammo kind of map.
Dude this is pretty sloppy and has no sense.Try to merge and interlock.Sorry but I aint feeling it. 2.5/5
It's a floating base, what exactly is there to geomerge? And your post is spam and your sig is too big. Sorry, I ain't feelin' ya. 2.5/5
Well at least you used good forging techniques and put a lot of effort into this post and map. Unfortunately this is just another unfair, unbalanced infection match where the zombies get the short straw. You won't get many downloads here sorry to say, but this will get played a lot. Has anyone got the link to that thread about balanced infection?
This is not a fat kid map, the alpha zombie does not have 2000 dmg resistance. Alpha zombie spawns underneath the humans to give him a chanse to kill the humans. Cuz the alpha has 110% movement. And he have like 3 overshields and 500 dmg resistance. And the zombiez have like 500dmg resistance and 1 shield, and 200 movement. Its not to unfair right? Actually the zombies is like to powerfull, and i forget to say about that shield doors spawns over time
... so basically you changed the fat kid so now he's capable of getting killed and he's faster... and the others are like the basic super fast zombies with high damage resistance? I'm sorry but please change the gametype. As for the map the techniques look good but the map is sorely lacking in some places... Make a bigger path for the zombies and as for the armory, scatter the weapons around the map don't leave them all in one clump. I'm sorry but this map is (in my opinion) is another map that could have been great but wasn't.
this looks like a nice infection map. i am kind of skeptical about the long bridge. it looks like it takes a lot to get past. but then i realized that after a while people would be stupid and walk up to the end of the bridge and get killed. the best defense in this map is to stay put on the turret.