Oh yeah. Saw this a couple years ago. Had me in stitches. Love the guy's accent. Once you start watching, it's hard to stop.
Watched the whole damn thing, i love how he says Goombas and how he goes on about a T-rex raping you in chinatown. Oh yeah, and how he says "Who did this!" and "Do some pushups" and how he says how bad this is and compares it to an episode of family guy.
I watched the whole damn thing and it was hilarious. I lul'd hard as hell every time an invisible box showed up. Oh and when he said, "This is worse than panic at the disco!" I damn near pissed myself laughing D:
I think the best parts start a little bit after 15 minutes. He fails soo many times and the t-rex part is epic... Some parts seem kind of fake, but then others I couldn't stop laughing.