You can have the chance to win a free 1 month i will be offering a 1 month to the person with the best journey map(example: omega journey, sabers journey) made on sandbox when the new maps come out. Note: i will look at difficulty for humans/longevity of gameplay( aka will i want to play it for a very long time) Is it eye candy( does it look good via interlocked,geomerged) unique(does it give a brand new look at journey maps!) I would also like to ask the help of any featured or well respected forgers who would not like to participate but would like to help judge, (possible candidates insane54,cosmic rick,bloodfire,creeping death and etc.) it will be a democratic vote so majority wins! anybody who would like to help plz contact me over forge hub or xbl. My gamertag is MoNsTeR skillz(im not on on the week days, why high school),. due date will be later posted and one more thing if i have broke a rule plz tell me and i will fix or delete dont ban me plz.
maybe you should make this more legit... like rules and big bolded and colored things. ya know, the usual... THEN you might get some response. But yeah, looks like a cool contest... i might even try it ;\
Er, yeah, a rewrite of this whole post would be worthwhile. Seems like a good idea, but it'd probably take on better if you took a few days beforehand to get some stuff for it done (i.e. contacting those members you mentioned to see if they'd help, get someone to make some graphics to make your post shiny, get a few people to proofread, enhance your post, etc.). I mean, I can tell you're serious, 'cause you're offering a 1 Month subscription to the winner, but you'd probably be received better with a bit more planning before you revealed it to the community.
I have made some Omega Journey maps before... I could clean them up I guess, but they're a bit unfair.
It doesn't necessarily have to use the fat kid gametype. Think of Omega Tyrant. The alpha zombies are red (slow with good damage resistance), regular zombies are blue (moderately fast with moderate damage resistance), and zombies who grabs the custom powerup are yellow (fast with very low damage resistance). I personally prefer that gametype to the fat kid one.
I prefer almost any gametype to fat kid =P But I would sign up for this if it was a little bit more official. As of know I kind of doubt that this contest will even really take place. It seems that the creater didn't really take it seriously when he started the thread.
cant it just be a regular map? im no good with journeyman maps... my concepts are crazy awesome but my application to them reeks more than a mooseknuckle (lol) and i agree, sandbox are future
The Map: Sand Journey : Halo 3 File Details The Variant: Sand Kid : Halo 3 File Details
Bro. I have just the thing. Actually, it is a series that I created called Variety. Don't start without me. Hey dude. Can I like show you the whole series? One of the maps is on Foundry but the other 2 are on Sandbox. Edit: I guess the contest is over without indication. Get this thing closed or look at my map already. Edit by TexturedSun: Don't double-post, nubcake.