EDIT: Why is it so small, I made it pretty big? BTW, feel free to include ways to improve this, that would be awesome!
There is no way you read all of that. If you did, props for being a good reader, but I tried my best. It is pretty damn hard to explain, I hoped people would understand that.
Alternatively, couldn't you place respawn points/areas for both teams in the capture areas, then set them in consecutively lower spawn orders the farther away from the middle they are? Haven't tested that, just thought it up right now. Feel free to praise my genius.
An idea would be teleporters. But, you can't stop people from camping at the teleporters. Good idea, but no way to put it in a map.
Yea i have palyed a game like,i dont like it because it is like cheating,you can spawn right behind them,and that sucks,lol
that doesn't allow for players to CHOOSE where they spawn then... Good concept, but I think we can still improve it
It doesn't work perfectly. I understand how it's supposed to work, but you could just open it up far away with a sniper.