A map I put together. It's pretty much an inside map. It's pretty neat. The pictures don't show much, because it's such an tight map, so I made a video doing a run through, and basic gameplay. *TIP* The shotgun is a powerful weapon on this map, but a good hiding spot or jump over the head can easily take it out. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xT6zU5OdgFA[/youtube] DOWNLOAD
Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) hmm... it looks ok.I want some more screenies tho.. welcome to forgehub
Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) Try and post it to a bungie.net fourm, not just you fileshare. I know your lazy, and its pointless, but its the rules.
Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) I'v been here for a while. More screenshots would be pointless. 1 can barely show any of the map. Just watch the video.
Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) please do not link to your file share. publish the map to the bungie forums, and link to that thread. aside from that, i checked the vid out, and the map looks great, im DLing and ill get back to ya with some feedback. oh also, see if its possible to embed the video in this post as well...it would really add to your map post, and would probably attract even more attention
Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) Watched the video. Looks very nice neat and ordered. Though please post a link to your map not the fileshare.
Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) Already did that. ^_^. COULD THIS BE THE NEXT 1v1 SHOWDOWN MAP :O? Maybe.
Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) All right, guys. We only need one person to tell the author how to post correctly. It would have been nicer if one of you actually would have given him the link on how to post properly. And just the map name is all that's necessary here. You might want to edit that as well.
Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) This looks to be pretty decent. I like the interlocking and it seems like it would be pretty fun for small team games. My only qualm is that stupid Sentinel Beam. I hate that thing. Good work tho. Ima definately DL and check it out. Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) This map looks great, a definite download from me. I'll tell you what I thought of it after I play a couple matches.
Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) it look like a crazy slayer map. some of ur walls and boxes need to be mergered just to give it a nicer look. but otherwise the map looks nice. Next time could u add more pics instead of a vid please
Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) Lol, as soon as he posted this I told him everything in the IRC. Including the power of the shotty. But it does looks spiffy, if a bit large.
Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) I actually really like the gameplay of this map (according to video) it is very clean. Would be very fun in small teams. I have edited the title of your post to just the map name because thats all we need here. -Donuts
Yeah, I think if you just reduced the ammo clip of the shotgun to 6 shots and maybe upped the spawn time it'd be fine. The map itself looks very fun.