Stupid Forge Question

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Haruki1337, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. Haruki1337

    Haruki1337 Ancient
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    I've always wondered how guys who make the awesome looking maps, make the objects straight. Any help or tips about this would be very appreciated :D Every time I try to make something straight it never works out :p

  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Easy, just use other objects as guides.
  3. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Forging 101

    Pretty much a guide to every technique that is widely used by any forger.
  4. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Either use something like a double box for a guide, or spend like 5 min placing each object. The second suggestion is better because it'll get you in the habit of making your maps slowly and taking a LOT of pride in the final product.
  5. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I have actually answered this question at my ask forgegod FAQ. Here is what I had.

    Making those perfect interlocked walkways is a very good technique to learn how to do. When I do them I use mostly bridges because they are the smoothest. However, the same concept would apply to walls as well as boxes. I do not have Xbox live right now but I have drawn up a picture for you and Hope it helps. You can find it under resources in the spoiler tag below.

    When preparing for an interlock like this I would advise you to use guides. the guides that you use should be OTHER BRIDGES. Start out with the bridge or object that you want to interlock floating or sitting where you want your catwalk to start. Now take another bridge and turn it on its flat side so that about half of it is hanging over the other bridge. Make sure it is completely parallel to the other bridge or it may not be a perfectly flat catwalk.

    Set the floating (not guide) bridge to spawn about 60-90 seconds into the game. Now start a new round and go under the guide bridge. Spawn a third bridge and push it up and till it is parallel with the guide bridge. Finally save and quit it into place.

    Assuming you did this correctly when you load the map up again and delete the guide bridge it should be pretty much perfect. If this was not what you meant there is no harm done just reply again stating what you meant in more detail.


    The format is set up for bridges but the same concept works for double boxes. (Same guides and same guide placement.

    PROTIP: When you are interlocking double boxes you should try and use bridges as your guide. They are thin and very long. This makes it so your guides are longer and thus your interlock is less likely to have that dreaded bump.

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