This thread is truly a simple one. Just think of a new but realistic gametype that would work on the halo 3 engine. I dont mean like a new king of the hill gametype though. Here is an example: A mix between capture the flag and infection. I would call it: Death Flag How it would work is that zombies must defend their flag and kill the humans also. If a human is carrying the flag and gets killed by a zombie though, he comes back as a human. But if the humans score, it is over for the zombies. Please share your ideas for your own unique gametypes.
It got posted on another thread but: Two way infection: two teams face off starting equal just like ts. When one guy gets killed he switches teams, kind of like red rover. And another one: spies vs mercenaries. One of my favorite gametpes in h3 is spies vs mercs, but it's missing one of the most important parts: the actual destruction of bases. One team is poor or good camp, pistols and less health. The other team has assault rifles and other heavy weapons. The spies sneak around and try to take out the mercs, but the spies are easily defeaed if re mercs find them. The spies try to destroy one of however many objectives. It could be possible with territories but I don't know.
A mix of KOTH and oddball. Get points for hill time, or ball time, double for controlling both at once.
i want a gametype with: humans inside of a house (held there by a hill giving points), zombies outside. round ends at 3 minutes. Or oddball with VIP: only your VIP can pick it up.
Horde/Zombie Mode! I love survival games, and if you just put bots in custom games you can do survival no problem. Hopefully some new stuff that Bungie is coming out with will help us out.
Instant respawn something or other. Or something where you could force people to be spartan or elite, like forced color.
A mix between KOTH and Team Slayer. You have to be in the hill and kill poeple outside the hill to gets points. It would be only up to 25 becouse 50 would take to long.
V.I.P. + Infection. I don't know what'd I'd call it, but you must save your vip from the zombies, and if you die, you get infected, etc etc.
Lol, I made a capture the flag infection game before foundry even came out. It's called contain v2 on Highground. Zombies spawn in the base, and jump over the bridge to try to land and capture the flag which spawns on it's capture point. Humans try to kill the zombies as they jump over. Basically it. One gametype that i'd like to see is the juggernaut being able to shoot with guns, while everyone else has swords. If you kill the juggernaut you can shoot. This would have to use honor rules because you can't find a BR fast enough and would have to have it as a secondary weapon. I called it "Parasites" in halo 2.
KOTH: Default settings: Kill score: 0 KOTH Hill settings: Kill score: 1 Time score: 0 I want to see 4-player CTF, Assault, and Territories. Perhaps a gametype where 3 teams had to defend 3 spaced out flags. Like a reverse Trisault.
My pick would be, hands down, a one-sided king of the hill game, with offence/defence traits. This would be a casual heaven. I would also like realistic assasinations for every game, so it won't be like, "psh, a frigit, no big deal. What?... OH GOD SOMEONES BEHIND ME!" .