
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SoLo92, Feb 13, 2009.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Great!

    6 vote(s)
  2. Okay

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  3. Bad

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  4. Not my style

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  1. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by SoLo92
    Download Dreamcicle

    Dreamcicle, an adrenaline-powered, fast paced, "visualy pleasing masterpiece," where the action never stops.
    Made for FFA, Dreamcicle incorporates interlocking, geomerging, and highly tested spawns.
    Slayer and Odd ball are working gametypes, although slayer is the most fun. For tons of fun play random weapons
    2-8 players recommended.

    Weapons list
    4x BR-30
    3x AR-30
    needler- 45
    Camo- 120
    OS- 120
    4x Stickies- 10
    4x frags- 10
    Mauler- 60
    Rockets- 180
    Energy drain- 45
    Regen- 45
    2x Spiker- 60
    2x Plasma rifle- 60
    Sniper- 120

    A Bit of Info
    Dreamcicle was started with one expiramental merge.
    From there on, merges and interlocks pulled the map together.
    The goal of Dreamcicle (other than DLs) was really to have a change from the, colorless and over-used, Foundry.
    Jeten94- opinion and testing
    KillerK msu- forging and testing
    xLMSx Trilogy- opinions and video
    Over view of one side. The long platform is used ALOT.
    The circle u see on it is home to a pair of plasma granades. The circle also DOESNT create a bump.
    To the right and left you can see the "lilly pads" There is two merged walkways.
    They meet in the middle above the teleporter on a stand, which has rockets.

    The other side of the map. two merges can be seen, one ramp to needler
    and one perge to make a platform for the sniper.also a small bunker with a few stickies.

    Flood room has active camo, a BR, spikers and an energy drain.
    The weapons might seem overwhelming but its isnt during actal gameplay.

    Over view of flood room 2. It contains two plasma rifles behind the shield door,
    and is close to needler spawn. This is where the teleporters go from the main room.
    Both of the teles are two way and theyre used a lot.

    The grav lift is one of the most important things.
    its used to go from the walkways, to the long platform,
    and to the rocket spawn.

    The "lilly pads" are quick ways of jumping from the lower levels to the top.
    Theyre very effective and may win you a BR fight.

    <[{(merging pics)}]>
    merge by KillerK MSU

    One of the best walls placed on this map.
    (put in right before post)

    Yes, I merged the mama oricle.
    (there are more merges not shown in this thread)

    <[{(Gameplay pics)}]>
    I <3 rockets

    Expect plenty of gravlift battles!!!

    Just about every weapon will be used on the map.

    Awesome stick by Jeten94.
    Awesome death by KillerK.

    Having high ground doesnt guarantee a kill!

    jeten... what are u doing upside down...?



    I hope you enjoy Dreamcicle.

    #1 SoLo92, Feb 13, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  2. jeten94

    jeten94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    98.73 out of 100 I liked how u made a good map on a map that is not a good forging map the wepon placement is blanced which is good for team doubles.
  3. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks nice! Like that you made it on cold storage. Foundry will get old sometimes. I like how you made all of these walk ways and platforms. I also like that you merged together the wall with the big oracle. Nice job on the map. Overall, 5/5.
  4. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is an incredible map. As much as aesthetics can go on a cold storage map you have really focused on gameplay while making it as aesthetically pleasing as possible. My point being you have made a map with great gameplay but it also has good aesthetics. I am stunned by some of your merges. I believe that the monitor merge was just done by having the head face another way while you placed the wall and when the head turns it interlocks itself.

    I am stunned by some of these merges. Not that I couldn't do them but they look to be very time consuming and difficult with the palette of cold storage. Could you send me a PM with you lineup for these.

    Overall this is an impressive map and I would hope to see more from you in the future. Does this finish off your lineup of heroic and legendary maps. I hope to play some more games on this in the future.

  5. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this is definately the best map ive seen on cold storage EVER... btw... how did u do those lilly pads? they r with teles arent they? and sry i would definately dl but... my 360 kinda has the red ring... D:
  6. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ACTUALLY, the monitor has an invisable bubble around it. so nomatter where its facing its annoying as hell to merge. u gotta merge it like every thing else. and i dont reccomend merging on CS, the energy blockers are horrible!!!! and the teleporters are cappy braces.
    thanks for the feed back

    on cold storage only, u can stand on senders and two-way
    nodes. i found this out by just fooling around.
    sry bout the RRoD :[

    thanks for the comments everyone :]
  7. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea I just downloaded this and it is a pretty nice map but cold storage is just not a good map to forge,its just like you added a couple gravity lifts,but i guess,good map.6/10
  8. haseoice

    haseoice Ancient
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    i know people may call this spam, but all i canreally say is wow. this is impressive, and it's done on one of the worst forge maps. 10/10 man... 10/10.
  9. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    I'm glad someone made a map on something OTHER than Foundry. It's very original, and it looks like you put a whole lot of time into this map.

    My favorite part is the grav-lift to the walkway of wall corners. Very creative.
  10. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Interesting, I saw the video on youtube a day ago and I was really impressed of your work. You made Cold Storage feel different in your map which has good aesthetics and some unique structures.

    I strongly suggest keeping only 2 power weapons seeing that this is a medium-sized map. Also, you could have included Juggernaut. Nice job.
  11. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Finally, you posted it.
    I really like helping you out on this map. This is (not just cause I helped) one of the most original coldstorage maps I have seen so far.
    Gameplay was really good, it seems like you did many tests before releasing the map. The spawns were one of my favorites, you added just enough to where you wouldn't spawn by an enemy, but you wouldn't just spawn all the way across the map. To everyone out there, that needs a great map, created on something other than bland foundry, this is the map for you.
  12. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well I havent paid much attention to cold storage maps but I do like this. plus,WOW, who would have thought to merge the "mama oricle". I never would have thought of that. Thats definitly the most beautiful part of this map, The merging.All of it looks flawless and it pleases me greatly in my dislike for Cold Storage. It does look like it works good for FFA games as I really dont like team games on the original CS anyways. Also, 2 thumbs up for putting a weapons list, I always ask people to do that and you did on your own. Thanks. Great job and this will be my 1st, maybe 2nd DL from Cold Storage.
  13. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    wow great weapon placement hard to forge on her so i'll give u props my favorite part is the merge with mama oricle. nice!
  14. Pomegranate17

    Pomegranate17 Ancient
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    this looks like a great map for slayer and its ok considering its on cold storage; the lilly pads are a great idea instead of just using a tele or ramp; the megre of the wall on the mama oracle seems pointless but its funny lol
  15. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    this map is very fun to play on and i like the creativity and how u turned a map i dont really use into something i can use to play on
  16. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool map.
    Once I was thinking about spliting the main room of Cold Storage into 2 floors.
    But I dont really know if its possible...

    Anyway, how the hell did you geo the walls??
  17. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    to geo merge on CS you have to use energy blockers as you would doors. but they dont work nearly as well.
  18. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    This map is great. It's nice to play something super unique (compared to Foundry). The merges are all really well done. My only complaint is that the power weapons and and power ups are a little too dominant.

    IIDTWYCT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like you made cold storage actually worth playing, well done.

    Now only if someone could do the same with isolation.
  20. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the feed back! :]
    the power weapons and the power ups all have really long spawns. so even though they may seem over whelming, theres only going to be a few times theyre used. i also didnt put any extra clips in rockets and i think only 1 extra clip in the sniper. and normal cold storage has OS, camo, sniper and rockets like Dreamcicle. but during actual game play there isnt any winners based on using power weps.

    thanks, im glad you liked the lilly pads.
    the mama oricle merge was just for fun, the light still shines through.

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